Last modified 10/07/2023

Meeting cancellation
letter sample

download meeting cacellation sample letters and templates
How do you write a cancellation letter ? When companies want to get together all their members, they organize a meeting. The aim of a meeting is to group the people who work in the company for exchanging opinions, points of view and ideas.
These meetings are mainly focused to make improvements or corrections in companies. Managers are the ones in charge to set the meetings and the issues that will be discussed.
Unfortunately, sometimes there are unexpected situations that impede meetings to be realized. How to cancel a meeting?
In this article you’ll find a pair of meeting cancellation letter samples. Use this letter to inform people about the cancellation of the event.

Sample n° 1 of a meeting cancellation letter

Brandon R. Jones
White Mountain Club
241 Green Street
Las Vegas – Nevada – 89044
0398 –126868494
November 15th – 2018
To all our business partners:
I send this letter to inform you the meeting for November 18th at 5:00 PM in the main auditorium of White Mountain Club is canceled. The reason for the cancellation of the meeting is because the repair and maintenance work in the main auditorium hasn’t finished yet.
On the other hand, I inform you the new date for the meeting is in November 22nd at 5:00 PM in the main auditorium. We apologize for the cancellation of the meeting and the change of date. We want the auditorium in good conditions for your comfort.
Brandon R Jones
Head manager

Sample n° 2 of a meeting cancellation letter

Mark Stevens
Athena Shopping Center
5369 West Avenue
Reno– Nevada – 89501
0385 – 664886566
October 10th – 2018
To all the employees:
I send this letter to inform all employees in this company the cancellation of the meeting. The day of the meeting was set for October 26th at 6:00 PM. However, the meeting has been canceled because one of the administrative employees in charge of the financial balance is sick.
I inform you in advance the new meeting date will be set in the next few days. We thank you understand this situation and we apologize for all the drawbacks that we could have caused to you. We hope you assist to the meeting in the new date.
Best regards
Mark Stevens
Head manager
In these two cancellation meeting letter samples, the head manager is the one in charge to elaborate this document. In both samples, the reasons for the cancellation of the meetings are mentioned. Also, the manager apologizes for the meeting cancellation.

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