Last modified 01/25/2024

Job application letter
for a waiter

how to write a job application letter

Looking for tips to write a job application letter, advices to write a job application letter ? The curriculum is a document which is a summary of our path to academic and professional level and it is a standard requirement that must be presented to apply for a job opening. However in recent times it has been used to attach a letter of application to the curriculum.
This letter is an additional opportunity the applicant has to express their intentions to apply for jobs and talk a little bit about himself, his experience and his skills.
The letter of presentation allows the recruiter to know more about you than what he might know from reading your resume only. And it is for this reason that the letter of presentation can give you the advantage over other applicants when applying for a job opening.
To help you with writing your letter of introduction, we bring you three examples of letter for an applicant for the position of waiter, customize them and use them to stand out from others.

Download example of an application letter 1 

Trujillo, September 20th, 2019
Northern Marinera Restaurant
340 Chasquis Street
Phone 4702387
Mr. Pedro Campos
Dear sir:
The reason for this is to apply for the position of waiter that was published in the workbag of Computrabajo, the 15th of this month.
I can say that I have 4 years experience working for prestigious restaurants in the role as bartender and I have always stood by my skills and good deal for customers. In addition, I have studies in customer service.
I would like to be taken into account in the selection process and to be called to a job interview. My resume is attached; there you will find my personal information in more detail.
I am very grateful for your attention.
Adrian Ramos.

Download example of an application letter 2 

Arequipa, September 25th, 2019
Picantería “El Misti Silver”
Ana Montesinos
450 Hunter Street
Phone 2604582
Dear Madam Montesinos:
Kindest regards from me. The reason for this letter is to express my interest in applying for the position of waitress you have published in the newspaper “White City” last Sunday.
I have three years of experience working to restaurants in the cities of Arequipa and Mollendo in which I have consistently demonstrated my ability to do my work and my good dealings with people.

I consider working for a Picantería would be an excellent opportunity that will help me improve my professional experience.

I have conducted studies in languages and I am able to serve tourists who speak English and French with a proper development.
I am very grateful for the attention you can provide to my application. I will be waiting for your call for interview to talk a bit more about the job.
Juana Valentina Tovar

Download example of an application letter 3 

Lima, October 2nd, 2018
Restaurant “Brisas del Altiplano ”
Mr. Gustavo García
Jr. Huánuco No 280
Phone 4503867
Regards Mr. Garcia:
Through this letter I express my desire to apply for the job of waiter which is being offered in your prestigious restaurant published through the Computrabajo site last September 28th.
I have over six years of experience working for the most prestigious restaurants in the city and have always met the expectations of my employers. I have completed studies and international bartender at the Institute of French Gastronomy.
I consider myself a person with a high sense of responsibility that can work under pressure and has a good relationship with customers. I like to constantly learn new things to help me be a better professional.
I appreciate the care you can provide to my request, I have attached my resume.
Pedro Gomez.
You can make your letter more personal if you find out the name of the person responsible for making personnel selection. Also check out fine writing and spelling.

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