Last modified 01/24/2024

International friendship day : 

The Friendship day is a special date, which was designated, in many countries, to recognize the true meaning of the friendship. On this special day, we must congratulate those loyal and unconditional friends who are around us, without any bad intentions and when we need them, they will be right there for us.

Remember, a true friend shares our happiness and sadness together, our success and our fails and remains by our side in the good times and bad times.

Now then, the celebration of the Friendship day in not a very old one, it started the July 30th, 1958… with the World Crusade of the Friendship in Paraguay, this crusade had as purpose to make even stronger the friendship between the local people of that time, sending a message of peace to everyone. This brilliant idea came out from the doctor Ramon Artemio Bracho, and since that day, it was definitely established, the day of the friendship all over Paraguay.

Since then, this date as used as an excuse to celebrate between friends, a lunch, a dinner, perhaps going to a discothèque or even exchanging some gifts. Precisely, because of that, some people play to the popular game “the secret friend”. This game is about a totally random choosing of people to exchange some gifts with the secret person you were given to. It is kind a traditional ceremony or even a secret party if you analyze it carefully. Also this game is played in the Center of studies or even at the work place.

If we already know, the day of the friendship came out from Paraguay; the celebration of this special day has extended over many other counties like Argentina and Uruguay since July 20th, 1969, that is right, it is the same day the first man landed over the moon. However, since the decease of the Argentinean graphic humorist and writer Roberto Fonatanarrosa on July 19th, 2007, there was a proposal to change the original date of the Friendship day to July 19th, the day that dear humorist past away.

Likewise, other countries also celebrate the day of the friend, but on different dates, for example, in Brazil, this day is celebrated on July 29th of each year, in Bolivia, it is celebrated on July 23rd, in Chile, it is celebrated each first Friday of October, in Colombia, the celebration of the Valentine’s Day and Friendship is each third Saturday of September, in the U.S.A, it is celebrated the International friendship day (I.F.D) each first Sunday of August, IN Mexico, Dominican Republic, Ecuador and Peru, it is celebrated the Valentine’s Day and the friendship on February 14th of each year.

However, thanks to the initiative of a Peruvian group who travelled to Argentina and they were part of the celebration of the Friendship day on that Country, so they decided to imitate and teach the true friendship, so, the goal would be, celebrating the Friendship day and the day of love on different day and not the same February 14th of each year. Thanks to these social actions, since 2009, the first Saturday of July will be celebrated as the Friendship day in Peru.

Next, I will show you some smart ancient sentences once spoken to share with your friend: 

–         A loyal friend is a soul in two bodies (Aristotle)

–         Do not let the bad weed to grow up in your friendship path (Platoon)

–         The person who makes laugh its partners deserves the paradise (Mahomet)

–         The true friend is not the one who wipe your tears when you are crying but the one who do not ever make you cry (popular proverb)

–         A brother may not be a friend, but a good friend will always be your brother (Benjamin Franklin)

Image: Rawich /

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