Last modified 08/24/2024
Christian condolence messages
If a close relative or one of your friends has suffered the loss of a loved one, support him and express your deepest condolences at this sad time in his lives.
The death of someone who is part of our own surroundings causes us an inevitably sadness, for that reason, it is very important the support of family and friends.
Do you want to know the right words to express your heartfelt condolences? Here is a list of Christian. Use these words to dedicate to that person who has suffered the loss of a loved one, help him to find some comfort in God.
Best compassionate Christian condolence messages:
:: “This is a day that you hardly will forget, I can barely understand the sadness you are feeling right now. I am very sorry that your Father died in a tragic accident and so I give my condolences, God now has him in his glory”
Category :Christian condolences messages
:: “Maybe now you think it’s unfair that your daughter died but all that happens is because God had planned it from the beginning, when she was here, she gave you a lot of joy and now her spirit will take care of you from heaven, my deepest condolences”.
Category :Christian condolences messages
:: “The news of the death of your brother took me by surprise. I guess at this point you must feel very sad, my deepest condolences dear friend. Let’s pray for his soul to be with God”
Category :Christian condolences messages
:: “It is God who gives us life and who decides when it ends, I’m with you in this difficult moment and I hope your soul finds solace. I will pray for God to help you to overcome the pain you feel, my sincere condolences”.
Category :Christian condolences messages
:: “My deepest condolences for the death of your Mother, she was the most loved person in the world, and their loss is irreparable. I will pray to God for her soul to rest in peace. I’m sorry”
Category :Christian condolences messages

Expressing condolences with deepest sympathy:
:: “We all have a limited time to live in this world. Let’s remember those friends and related who died with love and let’s keep in our minds the images of happy times spent with them. My heartfelt condolences to all the family”.
Category :Condolences quotes for WhatsApp
:: “Knowing that we will not see again someone considered by us as special person, fills our hearts with unavoidable sadness and tears for his departure. Lean on God who will help you to see the light at the end of the road, my heartfelt condolence”.
Category :Condolences quotes for WhatsApp
:: “Seeing a loved one to die is very sad. I understand how you feel, and I have to say that you are very brave and I’m sure God will help you to overcome the death of your uncle, my condolences friend”.
Category :Condolences quotes for WhatsApp
:: “Today your wife went to heaven and now you have the consolation that she lived her last days with the people she loved. Receive my condolences, brother”
Category :Condolences quotes for WhatsApp
These words of christian help condolences will help your friends and loved ones to find peace and quiet in God.

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Image credits :
Christian condolence cards : original images courtesy of “″/
Post image : Image courtesy of “David Castillo Dominici” /, all modified by
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