Last modified 01/23/2024

regret phrases, regret SMS, regret textsNew regret phrases

As we grow up, there are times in which we make some mistakes, it is something we cannot avoid as we are not perfect. Some are not as transcendent, but others get to hurt people who are closer to us or those we love.
But the point is that after having made a mistake you recognize the fact and that you are aware of it. Perhaps you did not realize it or maybe it was on purpose, but it is best to know what you did and that you get to apologize to the people you hurt. You may be afraid of the reaction that these people can have, however the right way is to apologize, or else your life will be entangled in a series of conflicts.
As long as you apologize, you will see that everything will go well, so you must do not let it pass. That is why in this article we offer you a series of statements of repentance and so the people who were affected by your behavior may well forgive and reparation what you did wrong.
Free list of regret phrases:
:: “I know I was at fault because by the desire I had to repair what happened I said things out of place. I hope this will pass soon and that you can forgive me for what I did”.
Category :regret messages
:: “I never want to treat you that way I did, but it happened. I swear something like that will never happen again, at another time I will go meditate things before I say anything, that way I will not fail”.
Category :regret messages
:: “I give you all reason because you are still mad at me. I did not mean to hurt you so much, please I beg you to forgive me”.
Category :regret messages
:: “Now what I really want is your forgiveness. I know you are not speaking to me right now but it is okay, I just want you to forget everything, I swear it will not happen again”.
Category :regret messages
:: “If I had the magic to erase what happened between us, I would. I am very sorry for what I did, and I want to be able to apologize for everything that happened”.
Category :regret messages
:: “So far I do not understand how everything turned out like this. I am very sad about what happened and I want you to forgive me. It is the only way I will be able to find peace”.
Category :regret messages
:: “You know me and you know that I lack humility. I cannot ask for your pardon. But in this case I know I failed you a lot and I know you know that I adore you. Excuse me for the way I behaved, but it will not happen again”.
Category :regret messages
:: “I want everyone to know that I feel very sorry for everything I did, I know I hurt many people. Please forgive me. I am sure they are just words but I feel very guilty about what happened”.
Category :regret messages
:: “When you needed more than me, I pushed away from you without worrying about anything. Forgive me, you are my best friend and I love you. I hope I can regain your friendship that is the most precious I have in my life”.
Category :regret messages
:: “I did the wrong thing and you do not know how I want everything I did to be erased forever. I would like to know what you want me to say for you to come back into my life”.
Category :regret messages
:: “I am very grateful for the blind confidence you had in me and I apologize if I failed you. I want you to be sure that it was not on purpose, and I will do everything I can to regain your trust”.
Category :regret messages
:: “I cannot even sleep for all I did. I want to ask for your forgiveness since I hurt you so much, please forgive me for causing you so much pain”.
Category :regret messages
:: “I would like to get along with you as good as before what happened. Let us forget everything and start again. I want you to forgive me and give me back the friendship I lost for being so silly”.
Category :regret messages
:: “I cannot live in peace if we continue so angry like this. I am at fault with you and I know, you do not know of all the things I am sorry for. All I said was out of place and I was wrong. Forgive me I beg you”.
Category :regret messages
:: “I know the way in which I acted was the worst thing a person could have acted, I know humiliated you with everything I said, I just wanted to hurt you in that moment of anger, I know what I did is very hard to forget, but I beg you to forgive me for all the trouble I caused for you”.
Category :regret messages
:: “I do not know what else to tell you to get your forgiveness, I have told you many times that I failed. I hope I can repair the damage I caused and that you can forgive me”.
Category :regret messages
Hopefully one of these messages will help you apologize to those people you caused pain or sorrow, and we hope you do not do it again. Best of luck.
Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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