Last modified 01/23/2024

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One of the worst news we can receive is the death of a loved one, and even more when it is about someone as close to us as one of our parents. Without any doubt, the death of our father will convey a great sadness and deep pain in our hearts that will not be easy to overcome.
If a person close to you is going through this painful moment, the best you can do is accompany him or her throughout this process by sending a message with your condolences and offering any assistance they may need.
On the next few lines we offer you a list of messages with which you can send condolences to anyone who has learned of the death of their father, you can send them via an SMS message or through different social networks. Remember that to overcome this great loss, that person will need the support and company of those around him.
Free examples of condolences texts:
:: “It was a very hard blow to receive the news of the death of your dad. He was a great person and we will always remember him for his good example and advice. My condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “My friend, I am with you wholeheartedly at this very difficult times. You have my condolences and I want you to know that you can count on me for anything you need”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I know your Father has left a great void in your heart, but I hope you can soon recover from this great loss. My deepest condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “Dear friend, I know how hard it is to lose a parent and I want you to know that you have my whole support and my company at all times. My condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I feel a great sorrow since I received the terrible news. I am so sorry, receive my condolences and remember that we are all with you”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I met your Father a lifetime ago and I will always remember him as the exemplary man he was who loved his family over everything in the world. Receive my condolences at this difficult time”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “Dear friend, death is part of life but the loss of a loved one still causes us great pain. He is now in the glory of God, my deepest condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “As soon as I received the sad news, I could not stop my heart from breaking. Your father was a great man who will always have my respect and admiration. All of us accompany and support you at this time of sorrow”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I will remember your dad as an exemplary man forever. It is indeed a great loss not having him with us anymore, but we must be strong. Receive my condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I feel a great pain from having to say my last goodbye to a beloved person like your Father. Only time can heal this wound that his passing away has left in our hearts. My condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “It fills me with great pain knowing of the departure of your Father, he was a very good man, a living example. Always carry you in our memory. I send my condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “It is very painful to have to say goodbye to a parent but I know you feel very proud because he was a great man and has fulfilled the purpose that God had given him. My condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “Your father taught us to fight until the end and to never give up despite adversity. I will miss him my whole life. Receive my deepest condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “Have no doubt that from heaven your Father sees you and takes care of you every day of your life. My deepest condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I cannot imagine the great pain you must be feeling on the passing away of your Father. Receive my heartfelt condolences in this time of great sadness”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “Your father has taken a piece of our hearts with him and we will cherish him forever as the great man he was. My condolences, my friend”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “Everyone at some point must leave this world, but when it is one of our loved ones, the pain we experience is very great. I am so sorry for your loss”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I pray to God with all my heart to have your Father in his glory, and provide you the comfort that you need so much now. Receive my condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “We have lost a great man, a great example to follow, but we will always have him in our hearts. My condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “To accept that one of our parents has passed away is one of the hardest things in this world, but I know your dad will comfort you from heaven and that he will take care of you forever. My deepest condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I know a great pain and a deep sadness has taken over you, but the day in which you will remember your dad you will feel a great joy for all the beautiful moments you got to live together”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “Receive my condolences and remember that I will accompany you in your pain and I offer my help and support in all that you require. Do not hesitate to call me”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I ask God to comfort you in this moment of such pain. We will always remember your Father as a great man, with that big smile and that sense of humor that characterized him”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “No one can take away from you all those wonderful moments you lived next to your dad because they will be with you forever in your heart. My condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “We have lost a great man and we now have an angel in heaven who will take care of us all. My condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “We accompany you in your pain and hope that God will comfort you in your Father’s departure. Count on us at all times, do not hesitate to call”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I always admired your dad for his strength, for the love he had for his family and for the great example provided us all. Receive my condolences”.
Category: condolences texts
Send any of these condolence messages so that you can bring some relief to the heart of that person who has just lost a father.
Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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