Last modified 01/19/2024

Speech for your Father’s death
,messges to Dad on funeral day

quotes about death of a father,poems about death of a father,death of a father sayings

This article is for people who have just lost their Father and must make a speech. A Father is the first man someone, man or woman, loves. Thus, their departure is one of the most painful moments in life.

But even if he is no longer with us, we must never stop talking about him.
Next we give you a speech for a Father’s death. Like all discourses, this one is based on a personal experience, so it can only be used as an example:

Father’s  funeral speech sample

I have always been proud of talking about my Father. Just saying his name pleases me and makes me feel fortunate, not only because I was his daughter, but also because we shared so many moments, both sad and happy. My Father’s name was Peter and left this world at age 90, with a smile, although he was a rather serious man.
My Father had a strong character, firm ideas and was a fighter. Nothing was impossible for him; he would take offence if someone told him something was impossible to do.
He always got what he wanted. I saw him smile when he obtained what he aimed at, and he would be happy when he got home and told us about his achievements.
Appearances would tell otherwise, but my Father was very sentimental. When something bad happened to us, he would lock himself up in his room and I knew he was about to cry.
Something I will miss about my Father is hearing him talk about me and my brothers and sisters. Despite our mistakes, he would always talk about us with pride, sticking his chest out and with tears of emotion in his eyes.
Like everybody else, he had flaws, but more virtues, which I will miss.
My Father was the hardest working man I have ever met. He started working when he was eight years old and never stopped.
He did not have a happy childhood; his mother died when he was two years old. However, he was always made sure that we were happy and lacked nothing, not even love. He gave us all he could. He was strict, but also loving. He never left home without my mother and never let go of her hand.
I have learned many things from my Father; something new was learned from him every day. He taught my brothers and sisters and me to value the most important things, and to put in second place anything that did not give a true meaning to our lives.
We never saw my Father drunk or violent; on the contrary, he was healthy, both in body and soul. My Father was a conservative man, but he understood us and gave us freedom.
He was always interested in the country; he did a lot of things for his land, and taught us that it is not enough to be well yourself, we feel better when the rest are also well.
I will miss you a lot, dad, and I hope you keep your word and be with me every day of my life. Thank you for being with me for so long. I love you, Dad.

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quotes about death of a Father,poems about death of a Father,death of a Father sayings,quotes about death of a loved one,death sayings and quotes

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