Last modified 05/04/2024

sad thoughts, sad messages for Facebook, sad textsSad messages for Facebook

Sometimes when you have difficult times, where our joy vanished we don’t want to see anyone, and we rather prefer solitude. There are people who appreciate us but in some cases they do not know how to appreciate our love and humiliate us, but this should not stop you to be happy, because we can keep our way without them, by our side.
It is no good pretending that everything is fine when you are carrying sadness inside, because people who really appreciate us will be willing to help you through this rough time. In this article you will find a series of wistfully messages which you can post on your Facebook, to let your friends know what you are going through.
Free list of sad messages for facebok:
:: “I feel the joy is gone from my heart, the love that filled my life is gone and has left me totally hurt”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “Even though I have done the impossible to find, I could not find you, and now you are gone forever, and I am suffering from pain”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “For more effort we put, we could not overcome the difficulties, now that you are gone I feel so bad, but it is your responsibility, and our relationship has no case”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “I fall madly in love you but I failed, I do not know anything about love, as it is in vain to give everything for someone who ended up not appreciate anything I did”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “I never thought that my best friend would steal the love of my life, the two of you were all for me and you both paid me so bad, I am extremely hurt and deceived”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “I can not erase the wound that you this great love I felt for you caused in my heart, sometimes I think that it has marked me forever”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “Every time I see a pair of lovers on the street giving caresses, I have pity for them because they know that their end is so sad as in my case”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “Do not think I am very happy because I smile again, it is only a mask, and since you left I only mourn just for you”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “If you throw away all the love we built and I take away the dreams we both had, publish it, and so they will realize that there are people who use other and leave wounds”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “Pity me that the man I fell in love with does not have enough guts to tell me that you feel nothing for me”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “Everybody told me you were only with me for interest, but I always had a bandage over my eyes, now that I realize you only used me and that causes great sorrow in my heart”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “I did not think you were going to get someone to take my place so quickly, I thought you loved me and walked to respect our relationship, but now I realize you never loved me, I hope you do not end your days as lonely and sad as I love”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
:: “It is been so long together, but it seems that person that made me lose my head and through it, fooled me and make me feel this so great pain, but it is better because I would rather be alone than with someone as bad as you”.
Category : sad messages for Facebook
Post one of these messages for Facebook, so your friends will realize the difficult time you are going through.
Image courtesy of “tungphoto” /

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