Last modified 01/23/2024

Sweet phrases to
suggest marriage

Romantic marriage proposal best messages & images
Looking for sweet and romantic engagement phrases ? After a long relationship, a couple wonders if it’s time to take the next step. While there are conversations, it’s hard to take the theme and go directly to propose marriage before being completely sure to do it.
If you already have decided and you want to prove if your partner feels or thinks the same as you, you can measure the answers he gives to your insinuations.

Here below we leave some phrases that you can ask indirectly to your boyfriend / girlfriend you want to share your life with and get married. Send any of these phrases through a text message and awaits a response.

Find best romantic marriage proposal Whatsapp text messages

:: “I’m happy with you so long ago that I can not imagine life without you. I think it’s time to join forever do not you think? I think it’s time to start a life together”.
Category :Messages to suggest marriage
:: “Since we started dating I knew that ours would be serious. I feel so full with you and I think it’s time to take the next step in our relationship. I think it’s time for us to swear love before God to each other”.
Category :Messages to suggest marriage
:: “I will never find anyone like you. A relationship like ours is given only once in life and I do not want to miss the opportunity to be happy forever with you. I love you and would love to join my life to yours forever”.
Category :Messages to suggest marriage
:: “I love you as I never thought love anyone because you’re my best friend, my girlfriend, my lover, you’re everything to me. I want you to be my partner for life, I want to share everything with you”.
Category :Messages to suggest marriage
Will you marry me? Love text messages

What do you say in a marriage proposal?

:: “Before I met you I had no fixed direction in life but now I know what I’m getting on the way with you. I want to go forward with you, only you. I want to remain loving you until the end of my days”.
Category :Sweet phrases to suggest marriage
:: “You’re a very special girl to me. What makes me happy and I love you. I would like to be with you forever and continue making you happy during all our lives”.
Category :Sweet phrases to suggest marriage
:: “You are in every one of my plans. In my future I see you and always want you in it forever. I want to propose to grow old together. I love you to death”.
Category :Sweet phrases to suggest marriage
:: “I do not think there is something as big as our love. I think there is no one who could love me like you do. I want to spend every minute of my life with you, enjoying this love is a gift from the Lord to make me happy every day”.
Category :Sweet phrases to suggest marriage
The most romantic and creative proposal ideas

Download sweet marriage proposals for her

:: “I want to live with you every moment of my life. I feel more than ready to share it with you, my love. I would like you to tell me if you are also feel ready to be with me for the rest of your life”.
Category :Romantic marriage proposal phrases
:: “My heart whispers for some time ago that I don’t imagine loving anyone but you. Is yours the same whispers? Will you marry me? ”
Category :Romantic marriage proposal phrases
:: “Loving you gave me hope for happiness. When you are by my side makes me see things differently. I do not want what we have is over, I want it to last all our lives. I swear before God that I will love you forever”.
Category :Romantic marriage proposal phrases
:: “While you’re by my side everything will be good. You give me the strength to continue, to be happy in spite of everything. I want you only for me, I love you forever”.
Category :Romantic marriage proposal phrases
We hope you have enjoyed these phrases and you can assure if your partner wants to marry you.List of creative phrases in a marriage proposal
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Marriage proposals: what to say and how to say it,Find romantic marriage proposal quotes,Find sweet marriage proposal message to a girl,The most romantic ways to propose marriage,
Find the most creative marriage proposal ideas,Romantic love quotes to use in your proposal speech

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