Last modified 01/20/2024

Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall, Sad phrases for my status on Facebook, Facebook Sad Phrases, Sad Phrases for Facebook, The most Sad Phrases for FacebookFree List of Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall:

Not everything is happiness in life. We all go through bad times at some point when both our physical and mental strength are put to the test.
Nobody likes to be defeated, nobody likes being disappointed in love, but they happen, and although they make us very sad, we must learn to overcome them.
We must always look at the bright side of things, and as hard as falls might be we must take them and learn from them. Time will be an ally that helps us forget our sorrows. On Facebook we can express our emotions with phrases.
Do you want to write a phrase about the sad moment you are going through? In this article there are some sad phrases for your Facebook wall. Post them on your friends’ walls. You will express your sadness and you might find comfort.

The Most Sad Phrases for My Facebook Status:

:: “My heart is broken into two parts, and that makes me very sad.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “I am very sad today because the one I fell in love with has gone away from me”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “I am so sad to know that we could not stay together at the end of the road, and each of us has gone their own way”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “I am not sad because you broke up with me, but because I realized too late you were not the right one for me”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “If you never had any feelings for me, then you should have never said you loved me. My heart does not know what to do now”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “I will never forget all we had together, and although I am sad because of the way you left me, I do not blame you for anything. We are simply over”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “The most violent torture could not have hurt me as much as your lies did. It is so sad to know the person I pledged to love mocked my feelings”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “Since I left my country nothing is the same. I try to get used to this place, but at nights I get homesick. I hope this sorrow ends soon”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “I am losing my mind little by little. You left my heart on my sleeve and you dumped my feelings in the trash. It is so sad to live like this”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “What hurts me most about this defeat is that I let you all down. I hope you can all forgive me. I promise I will win next time”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “It is not easy to forget the beautiful times we had together. It is sad when a love as nice as ours comes to an end”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

:: “One part of my heart stayed with you the day I said goodbye to you”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

I am so sad for your deceit I have no more tears left”.
Category :Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall

We hope these sad phrases for your Facebook wall help you vent your sorrow. Just remember nothing lasts forever and happiness will soon come back to your life.

Image: David Castillo Dominici /

Sad Phrases for My Facebook Wall, Sad phrases for my status on Facebook, Facebook Sad Phrases, Sad Phrases for Facebook, The most Sad Phrases for Facebook

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