Last modified 01/23/2024

How to win a girl over ? try with Facebook ! :

Facebook has become the most used social network on the internet around the world.

Not just because it helps make friends, send messages, and share photos or videos, but also because it is an effective way to win over boys and girls who are continuously connected to it.
In the next lines you will find some phrases which will help you win that girl or boy you like so much over, and you only have to write them on your Facebook wall.

Free phrases to seduce any woman on Facebook:

– You know what? I have just realized that I love you a little more every day. I do not know how it happened or how I came to this. But I feel so well when I talk with you that I do not want to stop writing to you. J- (Name of the girl you like)… please… can you get out of my mind for a moment? All I do is thinking of you.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– I feel blessed of having your friendship and trust. My heart has belonged to you for a long time. Please, do not stamp on it.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– It is so nice to find you on Facebook. You have not changed a bit, and still have that girly smile I have always liked. I hope to hear more from you and maybe see you in person again. A kiss.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Every time I see your beautiful eyes and your sweet smile, I can only sigh.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– Although I do not see you so often, I want you to know I love you very much. I miss hearing from you. Write back soon.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– I love you more every day and I would like to share my life with you. You are the best I have in my life. You are my best friend and I would love you to be my girlfriend.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– You are the apple of my eyes. I know there is nobody else quite like you. I love you and I always will.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– This is where I met you and spent the best of times. I think of you every day and I hope you are well. I miss talking with you.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– I just logged in to wish you a great day. May all go well for you today. I will be hoping you come back and log in at the usual time. I love you, believe it or not.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– My love for you will always be love, although it may be hard for you to understand at times. I will always be by your side, never forget that.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– Together, we can do a lot of things; we can make our dreams come true. I swear I would never leave you. No matter how long I must wait, or how much I must endure, I will wait for you.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– (Name of the girl you like), you look like the sky, a color that reflects only tranquility and serenity. You are not like the others, your life is a mystery, and you love small and simple things. I love you for being like you are.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– You are the most beautiful woman of all. Have a good weekend, and if you can, think of me like I think of you every day.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

– I cannot stop thinking of you. Thank you for existing; I am this happy because of you.
Category :Phrases to seduce girls on Facebook

Image: jscreationzs /

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