Last modified 01/21/2024

thoughts for Facebook, verses for Facebook, wordings for FacebookThe best texts for Facebook walls

Are you the kind of person who likes to be on facebook at anytime? There are millions of people like you around the world, people who is connected every day. Know how you friends are doing by signing in facebook. Upload photos, videos, images you like or just be creative and write something nice on your friends’ facebook walls.
Would you like to post a nice message for all your friends? Well, this is your lucky day.
In this article we’ll show you the best texts for Facebook walls. Post one of these original messages and express all you think about life.
Free list of texts for Facebook:
:: “There’s something worse than fail, it’s having the possibility to do things and not doing”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “I can be your hero, I promise you to use my super powers to defeat the loneliness in your life”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “When you’re coming to me I notice easily because even my eyes don’t see you, an alarm in my heart sounds loud”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “The clearest evidence this world is beautiful is seeing people that have hope for the future and love for the people around them”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Don’t follow someone just for the things he says, do it for the things he really does”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Life is beautiful but sometimes we just realize it when death is close”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “If nobody knows what the correct way to go is, follow your instincts and continue by yourself”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Never give up about your dreams, keep your dreams alive and you’ll have reasons to wake up smiling every morning”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Express the way you like, say what you have inside”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Falling in love, being kissed and rejected happens to all at anytime but not necessarily in that order”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Hurry up for achieving your goals and not for loving someone you don’t know enough”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Sweet words always work if you say them thinking about the one you are falling in love”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “After a break up even honey tastes bitter”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “In theory, love is just a feeling but the true is love is the most wonderful feeling that exists”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Drinking some beers is not a big deal, the problems start when you want to drink all”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “When a drop of water comes from the sky, we know is going to rain soon, when your fiancé doesn’t look at your eyes, it means the end is close”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “Everybody has a bright side and dark side and keeping the balance of these powers depends of us”
Category :phrases for Facebook
:: “More than a half of the things you learn everyday are because of the mistakes you previously made, never be afraid to try”
Category :phrases for Facebook
We’re sure this list of the best texts for Facebook walls will like to all your friends. Don’t forget to post them and you’ll see you friends will start clicking on like and commenting.
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Send your originals Sms, text, text messages, quotes, phrases for Facebook , and will be published, others friends will thank you .

messages for Facebook, phrases for Facebook, poems for Facebook, quotations for Facebook, nice quotations for Facebook, nice texts for Facebook, texts for Facebook, thoughts for Facebook, verses for Facebook, wordings for Facebook

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