Last modified 01/19/2024

Cute quotes for Facebook status :

When we log in Facebook, we find our friends have written all kind of phrases on our wall.

We see phrases from a simple “hello my friend” to larger phrases such as poems. In this article you will find mood phrases for Facebook for you and your friends to express your feelings now.

Free cute phrases for Facebook wall :

:: “To fight against sad days, let us smile back at life”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “Having friends like you cheers me up every day”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “It is up to you to be happy or sad. Look at life with optimism”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “I shed a tear today because you left, but I will laugh tomorrow because I triumphed”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “Jump, laugh, run, play because today might be your last”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “I am happy for having friends and for having you”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “If you want your to stop being sad, remember all the silly things I did for you”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “Days will be better if we decide to live them intensely”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “You are the best person I have ever met because you are calm like a lake, strong like a tornado and your love is warm like a bonfire”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “You will never know how they feel about you if you do not stop being shy. Leave fear behind you and tell them how you feel, and you will see that you will be in peace, for better or worse”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “If you have butterflies in your stomach, your heart beats faster and it is hard for you to speak, then your diagnosis is: you are in love head over heels”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “Remember only the brave face adversity. If you think something is difficult, put a lot of effort into it, persevere and you will surely be successful”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “The best way to get out of boredom is the road of fun, which will lead you to the home of happiness”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “If you feel like nothing could cheer you up today, remember your friends will always be available to make you laugh. Leave sadness behind and enjoy life”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “The best way to rejoice when I am sad is listening to music about friendship and love. Give it a try and you will certainly forget your troubles”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “If you want to live calmly, live in harmony with those around you. If you want to live with excitement, just listen to your heart”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “Your quiet personality and my restless personality are the perfect combination to face life and overcome challenges. Be confident we will succeed together”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “If you do not feel like doing anything, then look up at the sky for a moment and ask yourself: why am I missing the chance to be happy one more day?”
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

:: “There are days when everything seems to go wrong, but be calm, cheer up, remember we all have both good and bad times in life”.
Category :Cute quotes for Facebook status

We hope you liked these mood phrases for Facebook and your friends can convey what they feel on their walls.

Send your cute phrases,mood phrases for Facebook wall , and will be published ,others friends will thank you .

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