Last modified 01/23/2024

God text messages, God texts, God thoughtsBeautiful God phrases

God is our loving Father who is in heaven, he is the one who created the entire universe, including our world and ourselves and so he feels a great love for all of us. He expects us to be able to repent for our sins and that we turn to Him with humility in order to receive his forgiveness and live a life full of happiness.
God manifests himself to us through everything that exists and above all through our family and that is why we must strive to strengthen the unity of our family, healthy living and the love between parents and children. Up next we offer you a list of beautiful phrases that speak about God and the love he has for all of us, you can share them with your contacts on Facebook or through any other application you use, you will notice that you can change lives with a small act of love like this.
Free list of God messages:
:: “We are all children of God, that is why he loves us and wants the best for all of us”.
Category :God messages
:: “Even if all your friends have turned their backs on you, remember that the most important one of all will always by your side, he is God and wants only the best for you”.
Category :God messages
:: “If I am next to God, there is nothing in this world that I should fear. He is my guide and my protection”.
Category :God messages
:: “Life is much more beautiful if we learn to recognize the love of God in everything around us”.
Category :God messages
:: “Receiving the help of God does not mean you will not face any problems or difficulties, it just means that he will give you the strength and help you find the way out”.
Category :God messages
:: “Do not try so hard to seek for God because he is closer than you think, he is present in all the people around you”.
Category :God messages
:: “Everything you do to others is like as if you were doing the same with God. So it is best if you are friendly and that you treat well other people”.
Category :God messages
:: “There is no day in which I feel so tired that I cannot get on my knees and thank God for all the blessings I have received”.
Category :God messages
:: “Rest assured that God will not send you any trial that you are not in condition to overcome. What he wants is that you overcome yourself and be better every day”.
Category :God messages
:: “The love of God is present everywhere, my wife, my children, my family, my friends, nature and everything around me”.
Category :God messages
– God knows better than us what we really need and maybe that is why we do not get everything we asked for”.
Category :God messages
:: “Nothing you do will make you unworthy to kneel and Him as in your prayer to forgive you. He is always willing to listen, so do not think that he will not”.
Category :God messages
:: “Every sunrise is the perfect time to get on your knees and thank God for the blessing that it is to be alive, in good health and with the people that love you”.
Category :God messages
:: “God is the perfect father because his love is unconditional and he is always willing to listen to us and give us what we need”.
Category :God messages
:: “If you feel you have a very difficult burden to carry, all you have to do is kneel and ask God to help you carry it”.
Category :God messages
:: “It is true that we cannot see God, but we can feel his presence in all the glory and wonder of His creation”.
Category :God messages
:: “God never fails us, we are the ones who are wrong and make mistakes that keep us from his presence and so he offers us his forgiveness if we repent of our mistakes”.
Category :God messages
:: “Do not get angry with God for what happens to you in your life. Remember that most things happen to you because of your actions, however you can ask for his help and he always give it to you”.
Category :God messages
:: “Do not let bad feelings from nest in your heart because if you do, you will find yourself alone in the world. Even if you find yourself in that situation, God will be on your side ready to help you change”.
Category :God messages
:: “Not even all the days of my life would be enough to thank God for giving me the blessing of living and for all the good people He has put in my path”.
Category :God messages
:: “Heavenly Father, give me the necessary wisdom to understand your will and the humility to accept it”.
Category :God messages
:: “God knows everything about us and so he knows what we need before we ask Him for it. Yet he expects us to be humble and ask Him in prayer”.
Category :God messages
:: “If you feel that your whole world is crumbling over you, then it is time to recognize that there is a God and that only he has the power to help you move forward”.
Category :God messages
:: “God knows what there is really in your heart and he does not care what you look like or how much money you have”.
Category :God messages
:: “All material goods are brief, so do not hold on to them too much, it is better to value the things that God can provide because those are eternal”.
Category :God messages
:: “If you think it is possible, then you will be able to do it. That is a basic principle of faith, it is the power of God in our lives”.
Category :God messages
Share any of these phrases with your contacts through social networks and you will be able to touch many hearts. Remember that it is very important to be thankful to God for all he has given us in this world to live.
Image courtesy of “Iamnee” /

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God messages, God phrases, God sms, God text messages, God texts, God thoughts, God verses, God poems, God wordings, God quotations

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