Last modified 01/24/2024

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Every time a person loses a family member or friend, they require the help of their loved ones so that they can be brave. When a person you love leaves this world, is difficult to overcome so we must be accompanied.
For that reason, what we should do is be strong. Since it has been the decision of the Lord to take him and we should respect that without complaint or anger, as well as he is next to our Father, also imagine how happy he must be there, protecting your way.
If you know of someone who is suffering a lost and you want to cheer him up, on the lines below you can find a series of sentences which you can say in these difficult times.
Free examples of condolences texts:
:: “I am as sad as you right now. Do not forget that you have me to help you in whatever you need, you know that I understand what you are going through”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I would like to tell you so many things for your pain to be smaller, I know that the passing away of your mom has been very difficult for you, I would like to give you my condolences and pray a lot for your mom, for your family and for you, and for the Lord to bring comfort to your hearts”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “All I want is to remove this sadness you have in your heart. I know you think that what you feel will never come to an end, but I know that time heals everything. At this moment your dad is watching all your footsteps and he will always be with you wherever you go”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I know that you are very sad for everything you are going through after your grandmother’s departure, but you have to know that she will be fine by the side of our Lord. She is better in there and she would want you to smile”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I give my condolences and I would like to tell you to pray very much to the Lord for him to bring peace to your heart. I hope your sorrow goes away soon”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “My deepest condolences for you, I want you to know that I will be there for you for anything you need. You know I cherish you with all my heart and you will see that time will heal all this pain you are feeling”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “Be calm dear friend, I know your sister was too young to go, but you should take comfort because she is now with God, and you will see that she will take care of your steps and you will be better dear friend”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I know he is among us, because God wanted it, he has not left because he is still in our mind and we want him very much, even if no longer on earth. I am sure that he will protect you from all evil”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “He is now better than he was on earth, as here he was in pain, next to our Lord he will feel in paradise. It is so difficult to think that he is gone, but we will see him again sometime”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “At this moment I see you so fragile I want to give you a big hug. I am very sad about the loss of your loved one, I just want the sorrow you have in your heart to slowly fade away, you will see that time heals everything”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I know now that now that you can no longer be with the person you loved so much, your grief is overwhelming, but you have to know that you have all of us to always accompany you, besides he is next to our Lord, better than here, you will see that everything will pass”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “He was such a loving and kind person that his departure has left us all shocked, but we will remember him as he was and delete the sad moments from our memories”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “He will always be in our minds. I am also very sad that he is gone, but I imagine him in paradise and that reassures me”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I am sure that we will miss his presence here with us very much, but he will be in our minds as we love him with all our hearts. My deepest condolences dear friend, I hope time heals your wounds so you can feel relief in your soul”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “It is time for you to resign yourself to this loss, I know it is very hard what you are going through, but he was a very cheerful person and always brought happiness into our days. You will see that he will be much better next to the Lord and that he will protect all of us from up there”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “Perhaps you do not understand why this has happened, but I know that he is with us and that he will be saddened to see you like this. I am very sad for his passing away, but I am here to help you”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “My deepest condolences to you. What you are going is very hard, I do not know what more to tell you. I can only be there to help you in everything you need”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “The Lord made the decision to take him and so he will give you the resignation you need. Pray for peace to be with you, I am sure that this sorrow will go away soon”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I know that your grandfather is next to our Lord. My deepest condolences to you dear friend, I know what you are experiencing is very complicated, but everything happens for a reason”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “I know that the sorrow that you keep in your heart is very large and even if I tell you a thousand things, that pain will still be there. So count with me for whatever you need”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “You will never feel alone because you have many people who love you with all their hearts and we will do everything possible to get you back to being the happy person you were”.
Category: condolences texts
:: “We must not criticize the decision of our Lord of taking away your mom you loved so much. You will see that calmness will reach your heart soon enough, and you will feel that she takes cares of you and guides your steps”.
Category: condolences texts
We hope that with the help of these words you can ease the pain of that friend or family member who is suffering a loss.
Image courtesy of “dan” /

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