Last modified 01/25/2024

send free love texts for my boyfriend who is away, love texts examples for my boyfriend who is awayCute free love texts for my boyfriend who is away

There are times at which a great distance separates us from our loved one, and we can do nothing but wait patiently until they return.
Days without our soul mate are very difficult to bear. We feel a great sadness and fear of losing the love of that special person forever arises, to the extent that we even feel that time stands still and the wait gets longer.
If your partner is away and you want to say a few beautiful romantic words, we can help you. Up ahead we present you a list of romantic messages for your love that is far away. Check them out and choose the one you like best and dedicate it to your boyfriend or girlfriend.
Free examples of love texts for my boyfriend who is away:
:: “A great distance separates us, but such a strong love unites us that it will help us overcome this challenge”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “Being away from you makes me remember more intensely each of the beautiful moments we spent together. I want to see you as soon as possible because I miss you so much”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “I do not like having you away, but I want you to know that I will never stop loving you because you are the perfect person for me”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “Soon you will be back and I cannot stop counting the hours because I am very anxious to see you again. When you return nothing and no one will ever be able to separate us”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “Since I wake up I think of you because I miss you so much. I would love for you to be by my side to be able to smile again”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “You left me and my world froze because without you nothing makes sense in my life”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “Your love was able to fill my life with happiness, but now that you are away again, loneliness has gripped me”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “I do not know how to explain to my heart that you are far away from me. Your absence affects me so much that my eyes do not stop shedding tears while I wait for you”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “The day that you come back again I will be happy, because since you have been gone, nostalgia has invaded my life”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “I close my eyes and think of all the beautiful days I have lived by your side. You are the best that God has given me so I ask Him to let you return home soon”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “I have lived the most special moments of my life thanks to you, for your love is all I need. I will keep waiting patiently for you to come back into my life”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “When you call me on the phone my heart starts beating faster, but when the call ends it slows down again and sadness comes back. I miss you so much my love, come back soon”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “Fate wanted to separate us, but destiny will unite us again because you and I were born to love each other”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “I want to tell you that I am good, but I cannot say that because being away from you causes a great pain in my heart”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “There is no way you can think that I have stopped loving you. You know that you are the person who I was always looking for and although we are far away today, I will come back for you because I love you”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “Distance has failed to end our love because it is much stronger than you think”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “The day I met you, I knew you were going to be the love of my life and despite the distance that will not change”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “I still have on my lips the taste your last kiss and when I close my eyes I feel like as If we were together again”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “You are the most beautiful thing I have in my life and no matter how far you are, I will still love you. I miss you so much sweetie”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “The most beautiful feelings awoke in my heart when I met you, and not even the greatest distance can put an end to our love”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “Is it true that you are far away, but that does not mean that I have removed you from my mind, on the contrary, I think of you 24 hours a day”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “A love as strong as the one I feel for you can overcome any distance that separates us. Always remember that I love you more than my very own life”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “I am the luckiest person in the world to have your love. Although I am far from you, my heart will always follow you”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “Meeting you was the most wonderful thing that happened to me, so now that you are far away I miss you so much because by your side I am happy”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “I miss you so much my darling, nothing is the same when you are not here with me. You do not know with how much emotion I wait for the day of your return. May everything go well. I love you sweetheart”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “Everything looks sad and gloomy since you left. I dream of the day when we meet again and I promise that nothing will be able to separate us ever again”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “By your side I have lived the happiest days of my life and although the years go nobody can erase your memory. Come back soon my love, this loneliness is consuming me”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “I have kept all my kisses for you because I am patiently waiting for your arrival. Always remember that I love you and that our relationship is the most important thing”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “My love for you has grown stronger in your absence because I discovered that I love you even more than I thought”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
:: “I want to hug you and give you lots of kisses. I miss you so much my love and I ask you to please return home soon”.
Category: love texts for my boyfriend
These romantic messages are ideal for you to dedicate to that special person who is away from you and show them how great your love is.
Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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