Last modified 01/16/2024

birthday samples letters, example letter, Happy BirthdayNice letters for my daughter on her birthday

The birthday of our children is a very special day that we will never overlook. As time progresses we feel a great emotion especially when our daughter meets one more year of life. As the girls like to do demonstrations of love, also her parents like to demonstrate it to them especially on the day of her birthday.
If in addition to the gifts you want to surprise her otherwise, then write her a note that will keep for many years and will be a treasure for her. Here are two examples that you can use as a guide to compose a note to your little girl and let her know the great love you feel for her.
Example 1 of a birthday letter for my daughter:
Beloved daughter,
Since I found out I was pregnant with you, my whole life changed. Knowing of your existence was a source of great happiness for me, that great feeling motivated me to be better every day to make you feel very happy.
On this day you are meeting another year of life, I feel an enormous happiness and remember that wonderful moment when you were born and I took you in my arms. I will always do everything to raise you in the best way, but sometimes I make mistakes and I ask you to forgive me. I want you to know that everything I do is thinking about your welfare.
Seeing how far are you going to be more independent and I realize that the years fly by, but the love I feel for you will always remain intact. I’ll be by your side to take care of you and give you my protection. No matter how old you are you can always find me when the have some challenge and I will give comfort.
You are the best gift God has given me and I want you to know I’m ready to give up my life for you. Congratulations on your birthday baby girl. I am very proud of you and I will always be by your side. He loves you very much, your mom
Example 2 of a birthday letter for my daughter:
Dear daughter,
Congratulations on your birthday, is the first note I send you and I wish you could be right for you. This is a beautiful time for me also because we can celebrate a one more year of your arrival in the world and that was the most wonderful day of my life.
I love you very much and I will never stop doing so. I feel a big emotion to see you grow up and look back and remember the challenges we passed through, it makes me thinks about the importance of remain joined. I love the relationship between us; always remember that you are the most important to me.
I feel very lucky to be your mom because you’re a valuable girl. Always remember that you have my support for what you want. Your dreams are my dreams and your happiness is also mine.
Thank you so much for being so sweet and tender, for giving me your help sometimes and being so responsible to your young age. The Lord blessed me greatly to send me to a wonderful girl, I hope you share many more years in this world. I love you so much, always remember that.
We hope that these examples can be useful to write a cute note to your daughter on her birthday.
Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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