Last modified 01/21/2024

love sms, love thoughts, love wordingsExcellent love messages

We all love to receive a nice phrase either by our partners or by our friends. The words are very influential when they are spoken with sincerity.
You can make someone feel very happy today dedicating some nice words out of your heart. If you want to send beautiful phrases to your friends or to a person who you love a lot, then you are in the right place.
In this article we present a list of nice words to send by SMS. Spend these posts to those special people who are part of your life so that they can be very happy in this beautiful day.
Free list of excellent love messages:
:: “I can not imagine how my life would be without your love, I want to stay with you the rest of my life because you are the most important to me”.
Category :love messages
:: “When I think of how it would be a perfect world all I imagine is being by your side”.
Category :love messages
:: “I can be so happy only with you, thanks for giving me the opportunity to show you how much I love you”.
Category :love messages
:: “Ask me anything and I will be willing to give it to you, just to make you happy I can do the impossible”.
Category :love messages
:: “A true friend is the one who always accompanies us in the most important moments of our lives. Thank you for being there for me always”.
Category :love messages
:: “You are the only who gives me so many reasons to feel happy”.
Category :love messages
:: “Every time you send me a text message I get really happy because it is a nice touch of love”.
Category :love messages
:: “My parents do not like you to be my boyfriend, but I love you and that’s what matters:”
Category :love messages
:: “I send this SMS to tell you how happy I am to have your love. Thanks for being part of me”.
Category :love messages
:: “I love music, but the most beautiful melody is your voice when you whisper in my ear that you love me”.
Category :love messages
:: “If you ever ended this relationship, my life will also end at that time”.
Category :love messages
:: “Do not be afraid to say what you feel and dare to fight for what you think”.
Category :love messages
:: “You are my motivation to be a better person. Your love is my greatest reward”.
Category :love messages
:: “When I see you I feel very happy because you radiate the joy that is in your heart”.
Category :love messages
:: “How hard life is when someone lets us down, but how beautiful it is to meet someone to make us believe again in love”.
Category :love messages
:: “Every time you throw a look I feel my heart will explode with so much emotion”
Category :love messages
:: “I would do anything for you because you worth it and your kisses are my greatest reward”.
Category :love messages
:: “To achieve happiness I have to make you happy”.
Category :love messages
:: “I can not hide this feeling: I am so in love with you”.
Category :love messages
:: “Every time you kiss me, hug me and caress me I feel like I am in heaven”.
Category :love messages
We are sure you liked these beautiful words to send SMS. People who receive them will feel very happy.
Image courtesy of “Phaitoon” /

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love messages, love phrases, love poems, love quotations, love sms, love text messages, love texts, love thoughts, love verses, love wordings

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