Last modified 01/22/2024

i'm sorry messages, i'm sorry phrases, i'm sorry smsNice I’m sorry messages for your partner

No one of us is perfect, sometimes we make mistakes and even we are able to humiliate some people we love, but never is too late to fix it. If you know you made wrong with your boyfriend, is time to give him apologies and say that you are ready to mend that behavior that made him feeling very hurt.
Lines bellow you can find some phrases to say sorry to the people you love. You can do it by Facebook, Twitter or Whatsapp. When he reads it will make things so much better for you and maybe you can fix your relationship.
Free list of I’m sorry messages for your partner:
-“I know you’ve been through a hard time and I leave you alone, I know I misbehaved with you, that’s why I’m begging you to forgive me, you know I love you, but I made wrong”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“I want to reach you my apologies, for the huge mistake I made when I cheated on you with other man; I know you don’t want to know anything about me and I understand, sorry”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“At that time I told you a lot of things without thinking and I know that I shouldn’t have, however I also forgot you when you misbehaved with me, that’s why I deserve an apology from you”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“You are the most important person for me; I don’t know how I cheated on you, because you are my reason to live, please I beg you to forgive me and come back with me”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“I know maybe you don’t want to come back with me because of my faults, just remember, you are in my thoughts and in my heart, and I’m so regretful.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“You are the perfect man, in spite of my oaths, I couldn’t, I was so weak, I beg you to forgive me, I don’t deserve your love, no more”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“I only want to listen from your lips that you will forget all that I made you, I’m feel so bad about this, you give your life for me and I pay you so wrong, please forgive me”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“I know I make a huge mistake with you, I shouldn’t have to, that’s why I want you to know I’m so regretful and I never will cheat on you again, I love you”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“I was so happy by your side, but I hurt you so much that you don’t want to see me anymore, I just want that you forgive me and know that you are the most important for me”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“I can’t stop thinking about you, I miss you, come back with me again, I failed you, but it will never happen again, please forgive me”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“If you desire not see me anymore because of the faults I made, I’ll understand, I just want that you don’t keep hate inside your heart against me, I just wish your happiness”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“I know I broke your heart in thousand pieces and our love will never be the same than before, I just want that you pardon me for all that I made”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
-“I just want you to know that I’m so regretful for all the hurting words that came out of my mouth, but I didn’t know what to do, I was so confused, but there is no excuses about that, I know I hurt you and the most I wish is you forget that incident and be back together again, please”.
Category :i’m sorry messages for your partner
Some of these phrases will make reconsider your boyfriend to forgive you and go back with you, don’t forget to send them.
Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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