Last modified 06/23/2024

free examples of beautiful Valentine's Day wishes, download beautiful Valentine's Day messagesShare cute Valentine’s Day words

Valentine’s Day is the day of the love and the friendship in which many couples will strengthen their relationship and some new will appear. If you are one of those who is thinking about declaring your love on that beautiful date, you have to keep in mind some things.
First you have to make sure that the other person must be feeling the same for you and second, probably the most important, you must choose very carefully the words that you will use to declare your love to that person; a bad move, can ruin something that has not yet begun.
We will give you a hand and then we will leave some phrases with which you can express everything you feel; we hope you like them and you use them. Good luck for you!

Download free beautiful Valentine’s Day messages:

:: “It may take you by surprise, but I think I have the perfect opportunity to tell you this today. I’m hopelessly in love with you and I would like to have the opportunity to be with you to make you happy”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “We have been friends for many years and I am afraid to lose your friendship by telling you this, but I can not wait anymore. I really like you a lot and I want us to start sharing more moments together. I only ask for a chance”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “Today I finally armed myself with courage and I am willing to tell you how much I like you. I did not know if it was the right decision because I’m afraid of losing your friendship, but I can no longer hide this from you; so I chose this special date to tell you”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “We’ve been getting to know each other for months and let me tell you that I’ve noticed the beautiful person you are; so I would like us to take this to the next level and start a relationship. I love you so much and I just want us to be happy together Happy Valentine’s Day! ”
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “In a short time you became a very important person for me; Now I can not see you simply as a friend. I know this may sound a bit strange, but it is what I really feel and I would like to know if I can have at least one chance to be with you”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “I know we know little time, but I think it was enough to realize the kind of person you are. You’re the girl I have always been looking for and I would love to have the opportunity to make you very happy, what do you say? ”
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “Every moment that I have spent by your side has been wonderful and that is why I would like very much to take this to a next level. I want you to be my lover and to be happy together; Maybe I’m a little cheeky when I say it on Valentine’s Day, but I can not take it anymore”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “From the first moment I saw you, you stole my heart and I do not come to ask you to give it back to me, but to ask you to take care of it because I am very in love with you”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
Use these beautiful phrases to declare your love in this Valentine’s Day, we have chosen them with great care for you. We wish you good luck with this and have a happy Valentine’s Day. Thank you very much for visiting us.

Send beautiful Valentine’s Day words

For many people it may sound cheesy, but for some others it is a very nice detail to declare your love on Valentine’s Day. This is the day of the love and the friendship in which you can not feel afraid to express everything you feel for that person.
If you also plan to declare yourself today you have to be very careful, choose carefully your words so that everything goes according to plan and, of course, have something in mind to do after that person gives you that long awaited response.
But in case you are not good with words or you still have your doubts, here we will leave some beautiful messages with which you can express all that you feel; we hope you like them.

The best free Valentine’s Day phrases:

:: “I do not know if this will surprise you or if you expected it, but I want to tell you that I am very much in love with you and wait for this beautiful date to let you know. I want to have a chance for us to be happy together”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “I’m a little afraid to tell you this because I do not want our friendship get ruined, but I can not contain it anymore. I am in love with you and I would like to know if you feel the same as me and we can give a chance to something beautiful”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “They say that who does not risk does not win; That’s why today I armed myself with courage and I came to tell you that you seem to me a very beautiful woman and that I would like to start sharing more time with you and if you want, in the future to be a great couple”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “We have spent several Valentine’s Days as friends, but today I want it to be different. You know that I like you very much and that I love you with all my heart. I want you to be my lover; I promise that together we will be much happier”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “In you I found everything that I had always sought in a woman; you are a beautiful girl, kind and above all very intelligent. That’s why I want us to start a new stage together so that you realize how much you’re worth to me”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “We know little time, but that has been enough in me to fall in love with you. I only ask for a chance, I promise that I will always be by your side and that I will never fail you”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “We have always had nice moments together, but today I want you to stop seeing me as your friend and be something else. This may sound weird for you, but I’ve been in love with you for years”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “I have been thinking about you for a long time and today I woke up with the hope that this Valentine’s Day will be the day on which we declare our mutual love”.
Category: Valentine’s Day words
:: “You are the sole owner of my heart and in this Valentine’s Day I come to give it to you completely, I love you!”
Category: Valentine’s Day words
Do not be afraid to declare your love, always be sure of yourself and you will see that she will give you that answer you want. We wish you lots of luck on this Valentine’s Day. Thanks for visiting us, come back very soon.
Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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