Last modified 01/24/2024

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Having a true friend is the best thing that can happen to us, because we share do not share this magical relationship with nobody else, in which, even without saying anything, we are saying everything. This is so to the extent that the link we create with these people is beyond the understanding or the laws of physics, it is just something that only the two friends can understand.
It is hard to think at what point exactly we begun being friends with someone, at what time friendship became real, unconditional and forever. It is definitely something that is very complicated to happen overnight, because it is something that you must work to make it happen, so you have to strive and struggle daily for it to become a reality.
This does not mean it is impossible; the more relevant is that it is worthwhile. Do not let your friends go away, always nurture them so they last forever. Below you will find a number of phrases that we have developed in order for you to help you keep your friends close.
Free list of friendship texts:
:: “When we share our days close to dear friends, then we really have nothing to complain about, because life is happy. The people I have had the opportunity to grow up with, that is you guys, are worthy of my trust and have a very important and special place in my heart. Looking at you, I know what you are made of and I know that you know as well how I am and you accept me like that, so I thank you and I promise you my friendship forever”.
Category: friendship texts
:: “No one can make me laugh as much as you, my friend. True friends are those who hear us, those who correct us if we are wrong, those who are honest with us, no matter if it may represent having a dispute, because when friendship is for real then everything can be fixed. Your wisdom has taught me a lot, I know that nothing and nobody will manage to tear us apart. I appreciate you very much”.
Category: friendship texts
:: “People we meet in life come and go, not all of them stay all the way to join us in that we get to live. Without realizing it, we know someone, we begin to trust them and suddenly we are in the situation that we never separate from each other, that we became friends, that kind of friendship that is eternal and whose stories are read in books. That is what you mean to me”.
Category: friendship texts
:: “When we go somewhere, I feel calm, at peace with myself and I do not worry about much, because having your support makes me great. No matter where we finish, I know we will do it together, even if each pursues different goals and to achieve them we must follow paths that will separate us. As long as the connection we have is maintained, then everything will be alright”.
Category: friendship texts
:: “I know how lucky I am to call you friend because you are one of those unconditional people and I know that, regardless of the time, you will answer the phone if you know I need you. Thanks for your friendship, I hope you know that you have the same privileges with me, because to me we are more than friends, we are like brothers”.
Category: friendship texts
:: “One of my priorities in this life, is that our friendship is always good. I guess you know what you mean to me in the path I am in. The confidence that I have in you I have never had it with anyone else, you are unique and loyal to me, you are the complete package of friendship. You know, if you ever need me, I am always just a call away from you”.
Category: friendship texts
:: “Having you is enough for me, because since we are friends, I feel that I have the pal who I always dreamed of, that one I know that will not ever leave me and for whom I would give up everything. Thanks for everything, really thank you”.
Category: friendship texts
Thanks to the Lord we have the opportunity to find lost brothers in life, because that is what friends are when they are for real. Let us not give our friends for granted, we should always worry about them, let them know they can count on us, that we are there for them and thank them as well, for all you they us at any time. Good luck.
Image courtesy of “stockimages” /

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