Last modified 01/21/2024

single people messages, single people messages for Facebook, single people phrasesNice single people messages for Facebook

Do not waste your time now that you are a person without obligations, take advantage of everything you enjoy. The good thing about being single is that you can go where you want without having to ask anyone or tell anyone who is going with you.
Would you like all your friends to know that you feel very fortunate about not having a partner? Then write on your Facebook wall how magnificent it is to be free and without obligations. In this article you will find messages that you can share with your friends so they know how you love living without a partner by your side.
Free list of nice single people messages for Facebook:
:: “Sometimes people think that when one finds a soul mate they have already found happiness, however that is a lie because freedom brings more joy, share if you think like me”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “I will not cry over a love that never gave me what I deserved and ended up going after another woman, now I enjoy my freedom and I am happy to be alone”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “Do not fill your head with silly ideas like those that say that your train has already passed because that is a lie, as at all ages you can find love, but now I am enjoying being single”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “Click like if you like living without anyone questioning what you do and you prefer not to commit, that is the most enjoyable thing of all”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “I am so happy to be alone and I am not ashamed to say it, share it with your friends”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “Only those who are not currently with a partner can share this status because they feel like this, not because they cannot find anyone in their life”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “Being alone is the best thing because in the world because everything you do is for you and not for someone else who at the end will never learn to appreciate what you did for them”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “Share if you think that being single is the best thing in the world and those who are about to be committed will not go along with it and will take the right decision”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “Now that you are without obligation enjoy every second of your life, before someone comes into your life and you lose your head”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “No one managed to change my nature, I like to make what I want out of my life and I do not want to commit to someone who will be questioning me”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “Every time my girlfriends tell me how their marriage is going, I am happy for not being committed to anyone”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “I believe that being single should be something normal, not something rare as people say, share this if you like this way of thinking”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “I have fallen in love many times and each time I have ended being hurt badly, so now I live a happy life, free and without giving my heart to anyone”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “I know women so well that I prefer to stay single, and so I am happy”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “If you think it is best to live without a man by your side to enjoy your freedom, then like this status”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
:: “I know some people envy me because I am always happy and that is because I am a person with no commitments, I do not have anyone by my side and I love to enjoy what life gives me”.
Category :single people messages for Facebook
Hopefully you can share some of these phrases with your friends about how you enjoy being single and are not ashamed about it.
Image courtesy of “imagerymajestic” /

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