Last modified 05/04/2024

sad messages, sad phrases, sad SMSNice Sad messages

We all have someone who we love very much and who we would like to enjoy special moments with, though for different reasons it is not possible to be together. It may be that the person has made a trip or for some other reason they are away.
If throughout the year that is ending it was not possible for the tow of you to be together and you really miss him, a proper way to it to him is through some nice words.
For that reason, in this article we present you some examples of messages of nostalgia for “being away from your special someone last year”. These phrases can allow you to make that person know that you miss him.
Free list of excellent sad messages:
:: “We were away from each other the year that is ending, but I want to tell you that you were always present in my memories. I wish that next year we can enjoy many beautiful moments as I not seeing you causes me much pain”.
Category :sad messages
:: “I wish that the year that is ending brought you a lot of joy. I did not do so wall because I missed you very much and I needed you, nothing is the same without you”.
Category :sad messages
:: “Every day came into my mind the memories of those days filled with joy and they made me quite nostalgic because we are separated by a great distance. I want to see you shortly to tell you that I miss you”.
Category :sad messages
:: “We did not frequent very much on the year that has ended, so I can say it was not the best year for me. I hope that this year is better and that I can be closer to you”.
Category :sad messages
:: “It would be impossible not to miss you, it was you who gave joy to my life and now that you are far away, everything is sad for me. My biggest dream is to see you again”.
Category :sad messages
:: “As time goes on I feel that I need you now the most. I cannot understand how to live so far away from you. I wish we can meet again next year and we never have to be separate again”.
Category :sad messages
:: “Now that you are away my days are gray. The year that passed was very difficult because for I never stopped missing you for a single moment and I hope that this year may be different. I would be happy to see you again”.
Category :sad messages
:: “The year that is ending passed very slowly for me because I did not have your company and it was very difficult. The great love that I have for you will never go away and I feel very sad because you are not by my side”.
Category :sad messages
:: “The affection I feel for you is etched in my soul. Spending a year away from you was very sad. I wonder if you also missed me and if you even still feel the same way about me”.
Category :sad messages
:: “There are many people in the world, but no one can ever replace you. My eyes can only to behold your beauty. I hope one day we meet again and we get back together”.
Category :sad messages
:: “The year that is ending will leave many bad memories for all the time I spent being sad because I did not have you with me. I hope that we can be together again next year so that my life has meaning one more time”.
Category :sad messages
:: “I will always remember you and inevitably feel sad because I would like all those beautiful moments to be repeated again. I pray that this year that is about to begin will allow me to be with you”.
Category :sad messages
:: “The only consolation I have is to hope I will see you again. Every day I remember you and I feel that I miss you more and more. Since you left I have not been able to smile because I cannot be happy without your love”.
Category :sad messages
We hope you have likes these phrases and that you dedicate some of them to that special someone you miss so much.
Image courtesy of “David Castillo Dominici” /

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sad messages, sad phrases, sad sms, sad text messages, sad texts, sad thoughts, sad verses, sad poems, sad wordings, sad quotations

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