Last modified 01/19/2024

Disappointment Phrases for Facebook, The Best Disappointment Phrases for Facebook, Free List of Disappointment Phrases for Facebook, Disappointment Phrases, Disappointment Phrases for my Facebook, Disappointment StatusesThe Best Disappointment Phrases for Facebook:

Love is the most wonderful feeling there is. As soon as we fall in love we lose all sense of time, we feel in a cloud and we can only think of that special someone. Love is wonderful, but sometimes it can also be hard.

When we break up we feel sad, it hurts us to split from someone we thought we would love forever. Couples break up for many reasons, but in the end there will always be a sensation of disappointment.

In social networks like Facebook, phrases of love and lack of love from couples are posted daily. In this article there are some disappointment phrases for Facebook.

Post these phrases on your friends’ Facebook walls when they have been let down, or use these phrases to update your status and express how you are feeling.

Free List of Disappointment Phrases for Facebook:

:: “He never loved you. He does not deserve any of your tears. You should be happy he is out of your life. You deserve someone better”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “You must understand nothing lasts forever, and although you both had great times together, it is all over”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “When you are in love, you do not see the evident. She was not the right girl for you, and it is nobody´s fault. It just happened”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “Your break up was bound to happen sooner or later. Cry if you want to, but I want to see you smile tomorrow”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “I feel sad today because a part of my life has just gone away from me. If it is the best for both of us, so be it”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “Time has made the scales fall from my eyes and I found out who you really are. I do not hate you for what you did to me, but what I used to feel for you has vanished”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “When I first saw you I fell in love with your beauty. Too bad your love for me was a total fake”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “If she said I love you thousands of times, she did not mean it. When you love someone, you do not build hopes to high or break anybody´s heart”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “You are the best person I know, and you definitely should not suffer because of someone who is not worth it. Forget him but do not close the doors to love”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “Do not blame destiny, do not blame yourself. I know it hurts you to find out about his deceit, but it is better and living in a deception forever”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “I cry because you are no longer with me. I thought we had a future together, but I was a fool to believe it. Goodbye forever”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

:: “Do not ponder on why your love is over anymore. Think that you will now be fortunate enough to meet someone better”.
Category :Disappointment Phrases for Facebook

We hope these disappointment phrases for Facebook help you express how you are feeling now that you broke up, or to comfort a sad heart.


Send your originals phrases, text messages, quotes about Disappointment Phrases for Facebook and will be published , others friends will thank you.


Image: Stuart Miles /

Disappointment Phrases for Facebook, The Best Disappointment Phrases for Facebook, Free List of Disappointment Phrases for Facebook, Disappointment Phrases, Disappointment Phrases for my Facebook, Disappointment Statuses

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