Last modified 01/22/2024

apology phrases, apology messages, apology textsNice apology love phrases

Accept that we are wrong is not always easy and even more if it is a mistake we have made with the person we love. Whenever we make a decision we should keep in mind if our partner will agree or not with the decision taken. If your fiancé realizes that you lied, then the relationship starts to be affected and gradually your love for each other will end.
There are mistakes that may cost very expensive, be sincere with your loved one, begin to accept your mistakes and try your best to give you a second chance. Do you want to tell what you feel your partner? In this article we present a list of phrases to apologize to your partner. These messages will be of great help to retake the relationship through its original course.
Free list of nice apology love phrases:
:: “I wish I never hurt you, but things happened and I feel very sorry for everything I have said and done. I hope you can excuse me, please”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “Now that I don’t have your love I realize I acted in the wrong way, I should never distrust you, I want you to know that I feel very sorry for everything I did”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “ The love I feel for you is so great that I think I could not live without you, forgive me for having caused so much damage , I beg you to give me a second chance my love”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “I know that I behaved in an immature way and I did not know how to appreciate your advice. I beg you please to apologize me because I feel I could not live without you”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “I took my decisions when I felt overwhelmed at that moment and thought of you. I have been very selfish for not having you in mind; I swear I will never do it again”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “I know sometimes I let myself to go responding to my pulse and I can tell you things that will cause a lot of damage , but you should know that I love you with all my heart and I just want you to forgive me”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “This is the first time we discussed and I feel like the whole world had collapsed on top of me. I feel a lot of love and I hope you can forgive me”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “Every day I have spent with you is recorded into my heart, you are the best that I have and I will not continue to be without your love. I accept my mistakes and I want to apologize and to continue with our love”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “ I love you like I never imagined, but I have been a fool and I have done to mourn. I feel so bad for having caused so much suffering and now I just want to apologize”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “I do not want our relationship is over only for having discussed, I know it was not right to talk in that tone and so I offer my apologies. Hope you can forgive me because I cannot go on without your love”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “If I told you what I had done was to spare suffering, but now that you are aware of everything that happened I want to say that I feel very sad and I want you to give me another chance”.
Category :apology love phrases
:: “I have always be honest with you and I promised you to never lie, but I failed, but I want you to know is that you are the most important in my life and if I stopped talking it was because I wanted to see you sad. I beg you to give me another chance please”.
Category :apology love phrases
We hope these phrases to apologize to your partner have been to your liking. Dedicate some of these to the love of your life and you will see he or she will forgive you.
Image courtesy of “Stuart Miles” /

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apology love messages, apology love phrases, apology love poems, apology love quotations, apology love sms, apology love text messages, apology love texts, apology love thoughts, apology love verses, apology love wordings

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