Last modified 01/27/2024

Australia labour market information,recruitment in an Australian labor market :

Those immigrants, who have grater chances for obtaining the visa given by the Australian Immigration Program, are the ones who have the required skills to cover the work force demand in the mining and energy industries of this country.

The Australian Immigration Program has been created, mainly, to recruit skilled immigrants, which are people with college degrees and / or specialized technicians. According to statistics, more than fifty percent of the visas given by the program correspond to this type of immigrants. It is also important to mention that this percentage has been increasing since the year 2003.

Even when there is a huge demand of skilled work force in the Australian labor market, this does not mean that any immigrant will be able to get a job position in Australia. Due to the good working conditions offered by Australia, more and more people wish to migrate to this country. This has increased the competitiveness of the Australian labor market.

In Australia, the work force demand depends on the economic situation the country is going through, the economic sector and other aspects.

Before deciding to migrate to Australia, the immigrant must be informed about the job offers in this country. In order to do this, he or she must constantly check the web sites that offer work positions, as well as the digital versions of the main Australian newspapers, on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Main newspapers in Australia :Newspaper:Herald Sun

Newspaper:The Daily Telegraph
City: Sydney

Newspaper:The Sydney Morning Herald
City: Sydney 

Newspaper:The Courier Mail
City: Brisbane

Newspaper:The West Australian
City: Perth

 Newspaper:The Advertiser
City: Adelaide

Newspaper: The Age
City: Melbourne

It is important for the immigrant to know that there is a high index of syndicalism in Australia. Syndicates look for the best labor and economic conditions for their affiliates.

During the period 2004 – May 2008, the unemployment rate in Australia dropped from 6.30 % to 4.40 %. However, as a consequence of the world crisis, the unemployment rate rose up to 5.7 % in May of 2009. This percentage has not increased due to the fiscal stimulation policy implemented by the Australian Government.

As it was mentioned at the beginning of this article, the economic sectors with greater working opportunities are related to the Australian mining and energy industries, mostly developed in the states of Western Australia and South Australia, Northern Territory. Most of the deposits of bauxite, coal, copper, diamonds, iron, gold, uranium and zinc are located in those regions.

Due to the Australian natural geologic conditions, metal extraction projects that require the energy are constantly been implemented. This is why the mining and energy industries are so important in Australia.

According to the analysis of its growth projections, both industries have become the activities that generate more development in the Australian economy. The mining industry generates the 60 % of the exports.

As long as the Australian government keeps giving incentives away and the demand of the Chinese industry keeps growing, the demand for skilled workers in Australia will exceed the offer of workers in this country. This need for skilled work force will obligate local and transnational companies to recruit immigrant workers through the sponsorship of workers that are skilled and have work experience.

Those immigrants, who wish to occupy positions in some of the most important mining and energy industries in Australia, must be aware that the ones with better opportunities are those who are professionals in Engineering, Informatics and Project management, with experience.

There are Australian job search websites, such as, which count with sections that are dedicated exclusively to the diffusion of skilled job offers. The website was specially created to offer jobs related to the mining industry. Also, some mining companies also publish their demands for skilled workers in web sites, with detail of the professional profile they are looking for. Likewise, companies related to the energy industry (oil), publish their requirements for oil engineers, geologists, accountants, logistics, project managers, doctors, nurses and labor security.

In conclusion, the opportunity of becoming a part of the Australian labor market depends on the growth of the mining and energy industries that require skilled work force and that is not fulfilled by the local skilled work force offer. This is where the need for Australian companies to sponsor immigrants comes from.

Image: Felixco, Inc. /

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