Last modified 01/26/2024

What are 3 – D Screens :

3-d-screens3 – D Screens are a new application of the auto stereoscopic screens, which allow the viewer to have the feeling of been inside the image, which is its main objective. It is as been in a surreal world artificially created, like 3 – D screens, but without the need of wearing glasses or any other kind of complement unconnected to the screen.

The tridimensional images were formerly created from two different movies, each one of them with a different tone color; when we wore the glasses (the ones with a red and a blue lens); they worked as a filter, letting the image that corresponded to an eye pass and not the other one, giving a feeling of stereoscopic sensation. Currently, the advance of this technology has improved considerably and now there are screens that give the feeling of deepness without the necessity of using any accessory.

To get to know a little bit more about these screens, let’s see what they are all bout. As we already know, they follow the principle of the screens that require glasses, they manage to emit images that direct themselves for each eye, but through a parallax barer, it interrupts the light beam directing itself selectively to each corresponding eye.

However, there is a problem with the multi vision systems of stereoscopic images. The problem lies in the fact that when increasing the number of views, so it can be seen from several positions, the resolution of the image decreases, because the number of pixels that can be places in a crystal screen are limited, which is why the vision zone of some parts of the television might seem awkward, unless they are seen from a certain distance and in front of the screen, if not, some parts can appear to be in 2 – D. In order to be able to solve this, specialists are working in optimizing the vision wideness, but this makes resolution to be lost. For solving this, a technology called step 3d Pixel array was created; what it does is minimizing the pixel’s horizontal resolution loss, in that way they improve the perceived quality of the image.

Nowadays there are diverse types of display and, in the same way, different types of usages for this new technology, in the cinematographic industry, as well as in the videogame and television industries. The demand for 3 – D images has been considerably increased because it provides a level remarkably better than the one offered by 2 – D images, also in the television field, which is why we can already find televisions with this technology incorporated on sale, which is the case of the new model 47LH5000 by LG, which is been sold in Asia with a resolution of 1080p, a brightness of 500 cd/m2 and a contrast of 80.000:1. Even though specialists are still evaluating the sales of the product and the public’s reaction, the introduction of this technology in Europe and America is not foreseen yet, but they assure that for the year 2012 the 3 – D technology will be completely mature to be launched in other markets with 31 million of 3 – D televisions. Let’s hope it get here soon, so we can live the new 3 – D experience.

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