Last modified 01/25/2024

Why USA ? Advantages and disadvantages of picking up the United States of America to immigrate :

why migrate to usa,migrate to usa,migrating to usa,advantages of living in the united statesThe legal immigrants who arrive to the United States might become American citizens with the consequent working and social benefits. The terrorist attacks of September 11 of 2001 have caused strict migratory policies; this is why, the illegal immigrants, sooner or later are, finally, deported.

Legal migration, United States and legal immigrant, illegality in migrating to the United States, Why immigrate to the United States?

The American dream has always been a recurrent subject for the citizen from all over the world, because it does not matter where you live, Hollywood films have shown us that in the United States, any immigrant, no matter who he or she might be or how much money he or she might have, is able to triumph; this has, without a doubt, generated a massive immigration.

United States is a multiracial country, populated by successive waves of immigrants, mainly during the world wars, the economic crisis or religious chases, which have beaten the world and in this new country, people have found freedom, for both, their religious views and their politic creed.

The immigrants have alternatively chosen for both, the legal and illegal ways. When we talk about the legal way, we refer to accessing through the process of the resident visa, the temporal worker visa or the tourism visa, issued by the North American embassies, whose representatives are pretty inflexible regarding the fulfillment of the requirements, which, without a doubt, ends up turning down many.

The rejection towards the legal selection process ends up encouraging people to choose the illegal way, meaning that they surrender to mafias; these mafias, for thousands of dollars, agree to transport them, basically, through the Mexican – American frontier, having to cross deserts and been abandoned to their luck, which, in many cases, ends with many of  their lives.

The ones who get to arrive to the United States suffer from a series of problems, which lead them to have to deal with underpaid words, which’s duration lasts longer than the 8 hours of a working day and that always keeps them under the imminent danger of the inspections performed by the Immigration Service, who will send them to jail to finally be deported.

Been the United States a country hit by terrorist attacks, after September 11 of 2001, the established conditions for legal migrations have become tougher. However, this option, with all of its limitations, is better to be chosen, against the illegal migration, which causes pain and death, but never success.

This is why, in the lines that follow, we will detail the advantages and disadvantages of been a legal immigrant in the United States of America:


• Having access to employment opportunities, opportunities which respect the worker’s rights.
• The possibility of choosing among 50 states with the most adequate climate to live in.
• The Latin presence is increasing in many North American states, like, for example, in the states of California, Texas and La Florida.
• There are various options for finding a legal job.
• Possibility of accessing to the North American citizenship.
• Improving skills and competences for the working development.


• The massive presence of illegal people makes tougher for legal immigrants to get jobs.
• The absence of skills and competences related to the technological development in the United States, excludes immigrants from accessing to jobs with better payments and working benefits.
• Every legal immigrant, whichever his or her condition of residence in the United States is, is forced to pay taxes, under penalty, including his or her employers.
• The health care is pretty expensive, which makes it mandatory that the immigrant acquires a private medical insurance.
• The presence of xenophobic and ultra nationalistic groups acts against the integrity of immigrants.

Summing up, the legal migration will always be, with all of its disadvantages, the best option that the immigrant has to get to the United States and having the opportunity, not only of getting the resident visa, but also of acquiring the quality of a North American citizen. Living in the United States of America, means having the chance of living an entirely different life, and this is why, it requires any economic and mood sacrifices.

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why migrate to usa,migrate to usa,migrating to usa,advantages migrate to usa,disadvantages to migrate to usa

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