Last modified 01/22/2024

condolences phrases, condolences sms, condolences thoughtsBeautiful condolences messages

Death is a reality that no one can escape, the hour when we have to leave this life forever. When a loved one part of this world leave us his nice memory, but also a feeling of pain that is difficult to overcome.
Those who have suffered grief for a loved one take time to realize that life has an end. For this reason when someone ceases to exist it is necessary that the relatives receive the condolences and encouragement of the people around them.
If you want to offer condolences to someone who has lost a loved one, we offer a list of many phrases to offer condolences.
Free list of beautiful condolences messages:
:: “I am very moved by the death of your Father, it all happened so fast that we still cannot believe it too. Keep the hope that from where he is he would never forsake any of his children”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “Receiving the news of the death of a close relative is very painful. But I want you to know that you just have to be strong, overcome those feelings of sadness because your mom wouldn’t want to see depressed”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “Please do not cry any more for your grandma, I know you loved her but her illness made her suffer, now she entered the holy glory of the Lord and she won’t suffer anymore”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “Your uncle was a good man; he raised you like if you were his son when your dad missed. Remember him with joy and gratitude. He is in heaven with the angels, he is not suffering now”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “If someone was suffering incurable illness then death is a relief. Your mom did everything she could but this situation was so difficult. Someday we’ll all meet in the afterlife. My deepest condolences”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “I know what it’s like to lose a close family member, but no longer makes sense to ask why this happened. We just have to console ourselves and move on”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “I regret the irreparable loss you have suffered, there are things we will never understand, don’t lose faith in God and ask him in prayer to receive the soul of your grandfather”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “God send us to this world and He knows when he would pick us up, do not let the pain overwhelm you. You can overcome this pain. My deepest condolences my friend”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “I wish I had people to guide me throughout life, but life is like that, some are born, others die. I know that sadness is great but have faith; I am with you in your pain”.
Category :condolences messages
:: “He was with you since you were born, he was the happiest man in the world when you were in his arms and his whole life was dedicated to you, follow his example. Receive my sincere condolences on the death of your Father”.
Category :condolences messages
We hope that you like these beautiful condolences sentences, use them if someone you know suffers the lost of a loved one.
Image courtesy of “luigi diamanti” /

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condolences messages, condolences phrases, condolences poems, condolences quotations, condolences sms, condolences text messages, condolences texts, condolences thoughts, condolences verses, condolences wordings

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