Last modified 01/27/2024

Text Messages to Stop Smoking, Free List of Text Messages to Stop SmokingFree List of Text Messages to Stop Smoking:

Smoking is one of the most harmful habits for our health. It is estimated that every year about 8 million people die by causes related to cigarette consumption.

Smoking does not only affect our respiratory system, it also affects other organs and our appearance because skins wrinkles prematurely and teeth start to yellow. Nowadays, the number of smokers has decreased as compared to the last 10 years thanks to cigarette and cigar consumption prevention campaigns.

However, there are still people who do not leave this habit. In order to stop smoking there are several treatments that range from acupuncture up to replacing cigars with nicotine chewing gum, but the will to drop this habit will always be important.

Maybe a friend or a close relative has decided to leave this habit, so we suggest you send them a text message to stop smoking. These messages will help them stop this unhealthy habit.

The Most Cool Text Messages to Stop Smoking:

:: “It is all in the mind. If you set out to do it, you will. Stop smoking now and you will feel better about yourself”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “I assure you that if you stop smoking you will take a load off your mind and will see life in a different way”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “I know you have decided to stop smoking and I know you will make it. Think of how happy your family will be when you finally do”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “You have all my support if you want to stop smoking. We all can change and you more than anybody can do it”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “My life is better since I stopped smoking. I now want to do things I did not before. Drop that vice and life will smile at you”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “If you stop smoking I am sure your girlfriend will want to kiss you longer, you will tire less and feel more energetic. Come on; stop smoking for you own good”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “When you stop smoking you will feel like you just woke up from a bad dream and you will want to start a new day”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “Drop that cigar and you will live better. Dedicate the money and the time you spend on that to the people you love the most and you will be happy”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “Drop that cigar if you truly love your friends and family. We all want wholeheartedly you to stop smoking and start a new life”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “To stop smoking means to stop being a slave to a habit than only harms us. Stop smoking and set yourself free from that harmful habit”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “We are only passing by this world. Enjoy it to the fullest living healthy. Stop smoking and enjoy every moment in your life”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

:: “Escape from cigar, escape from death, do not let it get to you and take you away. Do your part and throw that cigar away, it only harms you”.
Category : Text Messages to Stop Smoking

We hope these text messages to stop smoking help your friends and relatives drop the cigar. Remember, smoking is a habit that is hard to break, and people who want to do so need all our support.

Send your originals phrases, text messages, quotes about Text Messages to Stop Smoking and will be published , others friends will thank you.

Image: scottchan /

Text Messages to Stop Smoking, Free List of Text Messages to Stop Smoking, Stop Smoking, The Most Cool Text Messages to Stop Smoking, Smoking no more

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