Last modified 01/27/2024

Working in Spain, details of working salaries in the Iberian country :

Working legally in Spain requires obtaining certain permissions and been able to compete in the Spanish labor market.

Working in a labor market as demanding as the European, requires knowing the demand level and an endless list of opportunities according to the specialty and qualifications of each person; an outstanding opportunity in the Spanish labor market. In the following lines, you will read the details about what implies working in Spain.

According to the latest studies, the Spanish labor market counts with one of the highest unemployment rates in the European Union, this is due to a high labor mobility and due to the increasing arrival of foreigners looking for diverse work opportunities, much more favorable than the ones they can obtain in their own countries.

The Spanish labor market is highly competitive and where the formation of the applicant is a key factor for accessing to a job position, but still, a college degree dos not disqualify those who do not have it; the technical formation and a CV with vast experience allows accessing to job positions with considerable payments (this kind of jobs count with a higher flexibility for its collocation)

The Spanish labor reality shows two new work options such as temporal jobs and telemarketing (also promoted as working from home). Temporal jobs are characterized for been unstable and having a high rotation rate, however, the selection criteria are low and allow a higher occupation rate.

Now, about telemarketing, it must be said that it is the new laboral tendency in the world and that it allows the worker to be independent form the office (as a physical place), this through the employment of informatics technology and the internet. Even though, right now, employments related to this form do not have high quality, they must be taken as a temporal money income.

But, what do you need to be able to get to Spain and work there legally?

You require the following:

  • Having more than 16 years old
  • Counting with residency and work permission

After fulfilling these requirements, you must standardize the certificates of the studies you have performed, in such way that your former work experience can be validated.

Obtaining the work permission requires an evaluation of the national employment situation, performed by Spain’s National Employment Institute. This evaluation certifies that there is no worker from Spain or the European Union who occupies the work offer in question.

In the Spanish legislation, there are three mechanisms that allow hiring a foreigner and these are:

  • Permission to work as a free – lance:  in order to be able to work in your own business. Reserved for people that develop themselves as businessmen or in professional activities. 
  • Permission to work as an employee of someone or a company: to work as a wage – earning. This mechanism depends on the regulation established by the employment, it is generally about hard – covered or low – demanded by national workers. 
  • External worker contingent: the Spanish government counts, among their faculties, with the contingent entrance approval for foreigner workers.

In the Spanish labor market, the following sector and professions are highly demanded and appealing for workers:

Commercial: demands a minimum experience of a year, the staff in this sector counts with an annual average wage which is usually between 12 000 and 18 000 Euros.

Customer care: the wage offered for specialized professionals in this area, goes around the 6 000 and 12 000 Euros.

Regarding professions, most require having, at least, a two year experience in the field .

Engineers: the job offers for engineers present a wage rank that is placed among the 18 000 and 30 000 Euros.

Technology – Programming: the job offers for these professionals includes a salary average of 18 000 Euros.

Accountancy: these professionals perceive a salary that fluctuates between 12 000 and 30 000 Euros.

Finally, fulfilling the objective of working in Spain must follow a process that can take a few months, which is why it is useful to take some precautions and looking for fulfilling all the requirements in order to obtain the work permission; this is very important to be able to work in the Iberian Peninsula country.

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