Last modified 10/07/2023

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Getting a job and keeping it is a selfless task and it requires a lot of effort. As time passes and our needs change, we must leave our job for another one that will help us improve, either economically or professionally.
Leaving a work place is often a sad and awkward situation, because we were used to that work and people we worked with will no longer be with us. Are you about to leave your job and do not know how to say goodbye? Well, here is the solution. In this article we present you some model saying goodbye to your job letters.
This kind of letters will help you say goodbye to those you worked with for so long cordially.
Model n° 1 of a Saying Goodbye to Your Job Letter:
Lima, April 28, 2009
Mr. Alan Gabriel Hurtado Medina
General Manager
Centro Comercial Plaza Central
Lima- Los Olivos
Dear Mr. Hurtado:
First of all, I greet you cordially. As you already know, I terminated by working relationship with you three days ago in order to join another firm. The main reason for this letter is to say goodbye to you and to thank you for the opportunity you gave me to work with you for the last 5 years. The reasons for my decision to change jobs and go away are strictly professional.
I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you to extend my goodbye to all my coworkers in the company. Although I have decided to change jobs to grow professionally, I will never forget the good times we spent together all these years, and neither will I forget their kind manners from the first day.
With no further ado, I bid you goodbye.
Sergio Tomas Ortiz Zurita
Former Sales Chief
Centro Comercial Plaza Central
Model n° 2 of a Saying Goodbye to Your Job Letter:
Lima, December 29, 2008
Mr. Fabio Alonso Herrera Izquierdo
General Manager
Automotriz Velocidad 2000
Lima – La Victoria
Dear Mr. Herrera:
I send you this letter to say goodbye to you and all the personnel with Automotriz Velocidad 2000. I received many job offers during my vacations, and I decided to accept one that offers me a significant wage increase. This is the reason I will not be able to continue working with you.
I would also like to take this opportunity to ask you to let all my coworkers know about my decision. I would have liked to say goodbye to them personally, but my current responsibilities make it impossible.
That is all I have to tell you. I say goodbye to you and thank you for all these years in this great company.
Diego Arturo Valencia García
Car Mechanic
As you have read in these 2 model goodbye letters, the senders use cordial phrases for the people they say goodbye to. They are also brief and to the point.

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