Last modified 10/05/2023

The professional career called Business Administration, the profile of a good Manager

In today’s globalized world, both goverment and private firms lead a country’s economic development. Therefore, it is necessary everywhere to hire qualified professionals for the decision making that can generate wealth in a firm. This is the main reason why we recommend studying and making a career in business administration.
What is Business Administration? As its name indicates, it is knowing how to administrate or manage a firm, so that resources are gathered and used properly to achieve the firm’s objectives as well as profits. This profession is closely related to Economics, Finance, Accounting and Marketing.
Firms’ administrators are prepared to plan, organize, run and supervise a firm. To do that is essential that they use both economic and human resources. Now, when we say plan we mean the setting up of business objectives and aims. When we say organize we refer to allocating actions and functions. When we say run we understand it is about making sure workers do all their tasks. And finally, when we say supervise we refer to checking the plan is executed properly, otherwise mistakes should be corrected.
The advantage of pursuing this career is that when they finish studying, administrators have a wide range of skills that allow them to work in various areas within a firm, such as finance, accounting, human resources, operations, logistics, budget, marketing, etc.
And so, a business administrator has a large work market, because every firm or organization requires a good administrator’s direction and supervision. Remember, a firm is successful as long as its administrator makes good decisions regarding it.
Besides, every administrator has the necessary ability to set up their own firm, and to run various organizations. They are prepared to be chiefs or managers in diverse areas within a firm, they can also have executive positions in both the private and the public sectors, as well as in non-profit organizations. And, of course, they can also be advisers or consultants.
Another advantage of studying business administration is that it is a high-demand and well-paid career. Young people who, for economic reasons, cannot have their own firms, at least can climb to top positions in large companies with a very attractive pay.
An interesting aspect of studying business administration is that it can be a training program or a professional career, which varies from three to five years in legth. Likewise, it is a profession that allows you to specialize in various study fields through master´s degrees or doctorates.
In brief, studying business administration, in current times of globalization, is a wise decision, because its work market has several job opportunities. But beware, competition is tough, so you will be successful as long as you excel and perform efficently in a firm or organization.
Image: Idea go /

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