Last modified 10/09/2023

Nice daily reflections messages :

Sometimes we are wrong or make mistakes. Even when we do not mean to, we end up hurting those around us.

In this article you will find original meditation messages for occasions when you or your friends need to reflect on your actions.

Free samples of meditation messages :

:: “Our mistakes show us how human we are and teach us to correct our weaknesses. Ponder your behavior and you will grow as a person”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “When you make a mistake, think of the people hurt and think about how not to do it again”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “A moment of meditation helps us realize we are the result of our actions and our future success depends on our learning from our mistakes”
Category :Meditations messages

:: “On some days our actions are like a grey cloud over our minds. Meditation makes those black clouds vanish”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “The road of life is full with challenges, triumphs and falls. Enjoy the good times and meditate on the bad things you did. This will make your spirit grow”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “To meditate is to think of things we did but without being too hard on ourselves. Meditation can give us inner peace”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “Love is the best weapon to fight hate, and meditation is the best medicine to cure our mistake”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “If you cannot accept your mistakes, you must first meditate on your actions and you will see everything clearly”.
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:: “A car without fuel is a useless machine. A person who does not meditate is like a plant growing in the shadows”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “We are human beings who always make mistakes, but reflection will teach us how not to make them again”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “If you decided to give up your dreams today, think carefully about your decision. It will help you realize if you should and want to do it”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “We all make small and big mistakes. Mull over your actions and show your nobility as a human being”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “When you feel caught by your mistakes, mulling will set you free. Remember nobody is perfect. Think carefully of what you did and you will find the solution for your problem”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “We learn new things in life, we have triumphs and defeats. Do not feel bad for having failed. Ponder, be patient and you will get ahead without problems”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “Your decisions will sometimes not be right. If you feel you let people who love you down, contemplate your mistakes and you will find a way to amend what you did”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “Be brave in accepting your mistakes and be calm in finding the solutions. Pondering will help you out”.
Category :Meditations messages

:: “Pondering is the solution you need to stop being trapped by your problems”.
We hope these original meditation messages help you to better ponder your actions.
Category :Meditations messages

Send your words,sayings,quotes of meditation messages , and will be published , others friends will thank you .

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