Last modified 01/20/2024

Melancholic poems, Melancholic quotations, Melancholic sms, Melancholic text messages, Melancholic texts, Melancholic thoughts, Melancholic verses, Melancholic wordings Melancholic messages

We’ve all felt melancholy some time, that sadness that overflows our being when a person we love is gone, when we pass through a breakup or when something negative occurs; however, there are various methods that could help us feeling better.
One of those methods going to a friend’s house or visiting our family so that we can tell them how we feel; another very assertive method consists on writing sentences separately and expressing them to our closest friends. They always know how to encourage us and seek the way to make us smile. Check out our messages of melancholy, you can use them on MSN or on your Facebook wall.
Free list of melancholic messages:
-I feel miserable now that you’re not here. You’re the only one that made me sigh; a look of yours illuminated my days. It’s because I don’t have you anymore why I feel so nostalgic.
Category :melancholic messages
-If only you could open the doors of your heart for me I would sure stop feeling this huge gap, this big melancholy, my love. It’s driving me crazy.
Category :melancholic messages
-I like you so much that I would give my life for you, but sadness is the only thing that I can feel because I’m not able to make you stay by my side.
Category :melancholic messages
-This depression attacks me, I can’t get rid of it; It’s so sad to feel so lonely, thinking that in this moment you have another woman by your side.
Category :melancholic messages
-What a sad and hard time I have to live, we’re two but we have to stay apart. Sometimes life is extremely difficult since it’s more than just a simple fantasy.
Category :melancholic messages
-I don’t know what else to do. I feel this huge sadness because life has separated you from me. Come back soon my love, and make me forget these hard times.
Category :melancholic messages
-The suffering doesn’t let me in peace since I lost you. Sadness attacks me every moment of the day; if only you would come back you would see me live with joy again.
Category :melancholic messages
-Sweet melancholy, why do you come back to me if I’m trying to put you apart? The only thing I want is to be happy and make life a piece of art. But it’s impossible because, if life gives you a sad time you have to take charge of it before it’s too late, and that means to live it until you’ve finally learnt and exceeded it.
Category :melancholic messages
-The sorrow that has reached my soul fills me with anguish and despair at the same time. Why is the world betraying me, if I’ve given it all my days? I can’t stand to live in this sad ocean of tears.
Category :melancholic messages
-My God, have mercy of this soul wrapped in subtle misery. I don’t want to continue suffering because today life is giving me a big test. I’m sure you’ll help me in everything I need.
Category :melancholic messages
-I thank life for giving me the opportunity to witness a beautiful sunrise and then showing me the darkness. I know that through this moment of melancholy I’ll be able to learn lots of things.
Category :melancholic messages
When you say how you feel you are able to make people understand you and, this way you feel better by getting rid of those feelings and thoughts that made you uncomfortable. Always say what you feel, even when you’re too sad; it’s a great therapy against depression.

Send your originals Sms, text, text messages, quotes, melancholic messages , and will be published, others friends will thank you .

Melancholic messages, Melancholic phrases, Melancholic poems, Melancholic quotations, Melancholic sms, Melancholic text messages, Melancholic texts, Melancholic thoughts, Melancholic verses, Melancholic wordings

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