Last modified 10/07/2023

how to write a job application letter , excellent job application letter samples, tips to write a job application letterGood sample letter for a job application

Today, competition among professionals for the best jobs is increasing. Everyone is looking for a master’s degree or a specialization that improve the position in comparison to other applicants. To highlight, one of the most used tools is a good job application letter.
A letter requesting a position must leave an excellent professional image of the person who aspires to the vacancy. This letter should be clear and concise, yet include all the information needed to be noticed. It depends on this letter if you can get the job or not in the always competitive world or work.
Then we leave three models of cards you can modify with your data. We hope you find them helpful.
Example 1 of a job application letter:
Tellus S.A.C.
Mr. José Heredia Quintanilla
445 Tacna Street
Lima – Peru
Dear Mr. Heredia:
I am writing to you with the intent to introduce myself as a candidate for the position of supervisor of the call center, which was published on November 23rd on your website.
I have five years of experience in the position into two different companies and that is why I consider myself prepared to exercise the prestigious position within your company.
It would be an honor for me to be part of such a renowned company like yours, putting my best effort through the several years of service experience.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Best regards
Alex Guardia Salvatierra
Example 2 of a job application letter:
Giant Burger SA
Ms. Carla Paredes Gonzales
334 The Roses Avenue
Lima – Peru
Dear Ms. Carla:
I am pleased to write to you to present me to the position of Administrator, which was announced via your website. I would like to be part of the selection process as I consider your company as one of the most recognized in the sector of fast food.
I have studied management at the University of Lima and I am about to finish my last year of college. I have taken three practices in different companies as you will see detailed in my CV. I expect to be able to win a lot more experience and put all my effort and my best to the company.
I attached my CV with all relevant details and I am available for any questions you may have.
Best regards
Gloria Garcia Gradas
Example 3 of a job application letter:
Life insurance
Ms. Mariela Vargas Gómez
444 Heroes Avenue
Lima – Peru
Mrs Vargas:
I write because I want to apply for the position of Sales Assistant that was published on a website job on last December 5th.
I have sales experience of 3 years and marketing studies institute from “IFB”. I am a person who likes the direct contact with the customer and direct sales. I would love to be part of the sales team of the company and to give at your disposition my short experience and my desire to succeed.
I am enclosing my resume with all necessary reference and my contact details so you can communicate with me if it’s needed more detail. I will be waiting to hear from you.
Best regards
Carla Talavera Gálvez
We hope that these three models have served you to create a good job application letter. Best of luck.
Image courtesy of “stockimages” /

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