Last modified 10/07/2023

I miss you thoughts, I miss you verses, I miss you wordingsI miss you messages

We’re going to meet a lot of people during our lives and we will have nice experiences with most of them until we separate to each other. Having someone to love makes us happy but when he/she is gone, we feel sad and we start missing that person.
Sometimes love leave couples because of the distance or time. Fortunately, we live in the communication era and now it’s easy to stay in contact with the person we love at any moment. Is your fiancé far from you? Would you like to tell your fiancé how much you miss him/her?
If so, don’t worry. In this article you’ll find some “I miss you messages”. Send these messages as SMS to the person you love and miss. He/she will realize your feelings are real.
Free list of I miss you messages:
:: “Since you’re gone I felt sad, since you’re not here I don’ know what to do or think, I miss you so much my love”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “When the darkness comes is when I miss you more because the stars remind me how beautiful your eyes are”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “I imagine your smile and it’s enough to make me feel good. I miss seeing your face and taking you in my arms”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “I really love you and even though you are thousands of kilometers far from me, my love will follow you; I miss you, please back soon”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “You’re the best that happened in my life and I can’t understand why we should separate. If it makes you happy, I understand. Anyway, I won’t stop missing and loving you”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “Every time I went to your house, my heart was excited but now that you left me I can’t find reasons to be happy, I miss you every day in my life”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “The days passes and I miss you more and more and I don’t know if I can’t stand one more day, you left me and you took my heart”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “I miss you so much that I will do anything to be with you, I’ll wait for you forever if it’s necessary. I’ll do because I do love you”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “The days without you are not same as before, a part of my life left with you, I miss you my love”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “I need your love to find calmness, to feel fine and to see the life as a wonderful gift of destiny”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “I’ll always remember you, no matter what happen you’ll be always the one who makes me feel happy, I miss to hear your voice”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “I want this separation would be just a nightmare and tomorrow we wake up together again, I miss you”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “I count the days backwards for your return and when that happens; I’ll give you all my love”
Category :I miss you phrases
:: “My eyes cry because they can’t see you and my heart because you left, I miss you because I’m still falling in love with you”
Category :I miss you phrases
We hope these “I miss you messages” will help you to express your feelings for the person you miss.

Send your originals Sms, text, text messages, quotes, I miss you phrases , and will be published, others friends will thank you .

I miss you messages, I miss you phrases, I miss you poems, I miss you quotations, I miss you sms, I miss you text messages, I miss you texts, I miss you thoughts, I miss you verses, I miss you wordings

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