Last modified 10/07/2023

work, apply job offer, jobHow to apply for a job offer

To apply for a labor offer it is necessary for us to have prepared our resume. In most companies to look for the position offered must submit this document to know if you meet the requirements requested. Those in charge of the Human Resources Area review the resume to make the selection of the most suitable candidates for the vacancy, get in touch with them and invite them to an interview. If you want to get the job you want you have to be very careful with every relevant aspect.
To become a candidate for a job you have to attach your resume along with the e-mail you send, also has to do a short presentation of your application. In this message may be mentioned that the applicant has the availability of time, qualify and some other information but have not mentioned in your resume.
In email presentation and resume, the candidate must provide real data and use formal words. Additionally, this mail can inquire about some concerns about the position. You can ask information such as schedules, payment policies, the type of contract, among others.
To submit an application for employment it is recommended that the applicant submit a cover letter. This has to be before the resume and may indicate some interesting facts and also express their desire to enter into their work in that company. This message has to be short and should not mention information that is already included in the resume. Then we present an example of e mail submission to apply for a job offer.
Example of a Job Application Letter:
Santiago, September 1st, 2013
Facundo Gómez
425 Bahia Blanca Avenue
Tel 4636035
Forti Housing SA
HR Department
No Avellaneda Av 3710
Tel 6122593
To whom it may concern:
Through this letter I want to salute those who work in the prestigious Housing Forti SA
My name is Facundo Gomez, I have 32 years old, I am a civil lawyer. This time I go to the HR department of the company to present my candidacy for the post of real estate consultant attorney . I am 4 years developing as adviser to buy and sell property and I feel that I am the person you are looking for this position.
I annexed my resume along with this, where you can have more information about my studies and my experience. I leave you, hoping that you can contact me.
Facundo Gómez
When writing an e mail and filing your resume we recommend using Calibri or Arial font size 10, 11 or 12. Do not forget justifying documents.
On your resume you have to attach a recent photograph, white background. Plus you have to mention your personal information along with an email address that is just for work issues.
Image courtesy of “photostock” /

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