Last modified 01/25/2024

Working and studying,studying in Canada: Work permits for students: 
Thanks to the multicultural image and immigration policies to attract young talents and professionals structured by a developed country such as Canada, nowadays many young people are attracted to the idea of getting their undergraduate and / or graduate studies in this country, besides from having the hope of getting a job that will allow them to remain in their student days. 
However, this hope may wither unless proper precautions are taken, because Canadian law prohibits foreign students from working without having requested and then obtained the proper authorization from the Immigration Office.

Failure to observe this rule would mean the violation of immigration law in this country and, therefore, the immigrant may be deported to his or her country of origin. 
Do not forget that every student who has access to a scholarship and / or wants to study in Canada must be able of demonstrating that he or she will be able of supporting him or herself financially in Canada without needing to work before they request a student visa
However, the Canadian government has been established for those students wanting to improve their economic situation, two programs through which students can work during their period of study or can be submitted to the qualification to access the Resident visa Standing immediately after graduation. These programs are: Campus Work Permit and Work Permit Post graduation. This decision was taken by the Government of Canada, because foreign students make up Canadian society, so that their level of contribution and productivity will be fast. 
It should be noted that students who have already completed their graduate studies and managed to spend a year in professional activities in Canada, are considered eligible to receive a Permanent Resident visa, because the goal is to keep them in the Canadian country, by their demonstrated ability. 
But there are some legal ways to immigrate to Canada to study and work at once, without having to wait so long and to seek permanent resident visa. This option is called CO – OP (Co Operative Program).

CO – OP program consists of workshops, counseling, monitoring from the workplace, employer assessments and reports by students. The participating university CO – OP programs are enrolled in full – time labor may just have a work permit (processed in Canada and provided by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration of Canada). 
Now, the procedure to be performed to access the CO – OP is as follows:

First : You should find out in which universities and colleges which programs and / or careers have the option of the CO – OP program.
Second : You must enroll in the program or career choice, full – time, lasting more than 1 year. Third : You must start the application process for a student visa at the Canadian embassy in your country, respecting all the requirements stipulated by their authorities.
Fourth : You should prepare a fund to support yourself during the first 6 months (cost of food, lodging, transportation and economic costs).

After performing these steps, you can travel to Canada and start the program or career of your choice. Over the semester, you can search for jobs by specialty that has been studied through the employment offices in colleges and universities themselves.

In addition, you must choose three companies from the list and apply for them. Colleges and universities help students write their curriculums in the format used in the Canadian job market and also prepare them for the interview, especially in pronunciation matters. Once selected, the student is dedicated to working suspending classes (do not pay tuition).

After completing work experience, students return to study the remaining six months to complete the program and / or career. After completing his or her studies in Canada, the student can work legally in what he or she studied for a maximum of one year. 
Thus, any student during or after the study has gotten a job can process your Permanent Resident visa, because it has the advantage of mastering the language, and already has training and Canadian work experience.  

Therefore, the CO – OP is the best option for those wishing to study and work in Canada. You should not overlook this immigration option, since it requires a different way to get to reside in Canada.

Image: graur codrin /

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