Last modified 01/27/2024

Drivers licences in Canada, Getting a Drivers licence in Canada : 
There is no better privilege to have, than the freedom of driving a car and moving wherever you might want to go to.

If in your home country you got your license, you should know that there are ways to not lose the independence to continue driving a car, when you immigrated to Canada. 
Now, you must keep in mind that culture and road safety education in a first world country like Canada, is much more aware of the dangers of driving in an irresponsible way.

Then, as an immigrant, it is your duty to learn and abide by their rules, if you prefer to avoid problems with the Canadian traffic police. 
Given the above, we will continue explaining the way in which you have to proceed in order to be able of getting a Canadian driver’s license in your state of permanent resident or tourist. 
The first thing you should know is that in Canada there are different types of driver’s license, which are related to varying degrees of experience of the licensee. Also, as expected, driver’s licenses are differentiated by vehicle to be driving (motorcycle, car, truck, etc.). 
According to the Canadian government system, the various provinces establish a set of requirements to obtain a driver’s license. In general, there is a graduation process, known as the Graduated Licensing System. Under this system, there are three different levels of qualification succession. These levels are: 
Level G1, which is a written assessment of road driving rules. Level G2, a test – management practice through the city streets for a period of 15 minutes. Finally, Level G3, a practice driving test for 45 minutes, the streets and highways of the city. 
The adoption of these standards should occur in a time of two years. According to the Ministries of Transport of each province, there is a limit of time that the license should be obtained after initiation. In the province of Ontario, for example, this period is five years. 
The full license is the G3, that is the final step towards obtaining a driver’s license. The G1 can handle accompanied by a driver, which has full license and a minimum of four years experience. Now, just to pass the written test you can drive without legal impediments, if you do it together with an experienced driver. 
By passing all levels, obtained the license is the G3. This license allows you to handle any car or small truck, including towing vehicle with up to 11 tons. 
Canada is a country of widely dispersed territory, so it is common to have to travel long distances just to go to work and go home. So having a car is an option that should be reviewed as your financial situation improves. Many times, access to a driver’s license is too expensive for newly arrived immigrants. You should know that in Canada, it is mandatory that every vehicle has car insurance. Not having it may involve excessive fines. 
In some Canadian provinces, there are certain exceptions for citizens from certain countries, which allows them to validate driver’s license they obtained in that country. For example, in Ontario, has this benefit, the citizens of the United States, Austria, Belgium, France, UK, Germany, Japan, Korea and Switzerland. 
However, there is the possibility that citizens of any other country present a driver’s license from their country of origin, translated into English, and an official document attesting to the years of experience in driving cars. In some cases, through this process, is omitted in test to deliver the Canadian driver’s license. 
For tourists, an international driving license obtained not in Canada, will be enought for them to be able to drive in Canada. Yes, only if the tourists will stay less than a year. If you stay more time on Canadian soil, you must obtain a driver’s license in this country. 
Have the possibility to moving yourself freely is an extraordinary privilege. Therefore, having a car and a driver’s license is ideal for a country of long distances, like Canada. Fortunately, permanent resident aliens have alternatives to obtain a driver’s license recognized in Canada. 

Images by :Jana Koll

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