Last modified 10/09/2023

How to earn money on the Web ?

Thanks to the high demand on the Internet, nowadays many companies and particular people have created modalities to earn profits with the requirement of having a computer with Internet connection and, obviously, the necessary time to invest because, in order to generate, big amounts of money in a virtual way, a lot of eagerness is needed to earn more and more, as you manage to capture more people.

One way of earning money is by surfing through the Internet, in the case of the company Nielsen NetRating, they pay their users 5 Euros for inscription rights and the payment is sent to their homes, another 3 Euros for each 4 months in a row having the company’s software installed and, of course, working; it also counts with an annual draw in which each month you could earn a price for having the software installed.

The software inserts itself in Windows’ task bar, to be able to perform the function of letting you know each time that there is a survey available. It has a tracking system of the time that you navigate in the Internet and it allows you to access to the state of your accounts or user’s profile. Unfortunately, it is not available in every country, to visit its web site and learn a little bit more,

Another website that works a lot like the one mentioned above, is known as “De arriba”, it is available in countries such as Chile, Argentina and Peru. They pay one peso per free registration, an additional peso for the first connection, and then another peso if you referred it to somebody or from some banner of some net user, three pesos per each person you invite and registers, 1 peso cent for every two minutes of internet navigation through the software, another 0.15 peso cents for each minute of navigation done by the people you referred and that are registered in the profile.

They offer a messaging client and a SMTP server for sending messages with POP3 accounts and if you are interested or you rather get to know a little bit more about this service, go to its website by clicking

Another alternative is the possibility of earning money just for receiving text messages or e – mails in your cell phone, which is the case of a company called “Con su permiso”, which pays 0.03 Euros for the number of e – mails you have received, another 0.03 Euros for the text messages, and they also pay 0.06 for clicking in their advertisements or banners, which are enclosed in the sent messages and an additional 0.01 Euros for the people you refer and register in their web. You only need to register yourself by filling a form and choosing the area of interest and receiving messages from that kind, to fill the form you can click .

There is another company that operates in the same way, it is called “Me pagan”, and it pays 0.5 Euros for registering, 0.01 Euros for each e – mail you receive, 0.04 additional Euros for e – mails with videos enclosed, besides from 0.05 Euros for each time you click on their advertisements. This company works through a referred chain, which means that for each person you refer or recommend, you can charge 20% more profits and that goes on.

So you can get your money by the end of a month, you have to have gotten, at least, 8 Euros, because the company does not pay less than that amount. The payment is done through checks, bank transferences or to virtual accounts such as PayPal. In order to process your inscription, you have to follow the steps indicated

Image by : Lusi

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