Last modified 01/25/2024

Step by step selection process,Procedure for selecting new employees :
The process of choosing the staff allows you to pick up the people who will define the future of a company or maybe an organization.

For that reason, the human resources department will have to follow certain steps with only one objective, finding the right person to fill in the vacant place.

In the process of choosing the staff, it is important that the person who obtained the job must have the capacity to satisfying the necessities of the vacant place and the company.
It is important to mention that not all of the companies or groups develop the same method to choose the staff; however, the most of them are according with the same process. It requires taking a number of steps before choosing the people due it is an extremely complex process, but sometimes, to spend less time choosing the people, some of the phases are forgotten or just not taken.

Some specialized people say that the process of choosing the staff starts with the description of the vacant place in the company (jobs, salary and place to work), the description of the profile (sex, age, academic formation, experience, etc) and the recruitment of the staff (advertisings on the newspapers, online bags of work or specialized assistance). For other people, the process of choosing begins once the ideal group of people is finally reunited in one place.

Well, for us, the process begins when a single person asks for a job at the company and it ends when we took the decision of hiring or not this person to fill in the vacant place.
In other words, the process of choosing the staff counts with exactly eight steps: analyzing the curriculum vitae, previous interview, choosing interview, psychological tests, knowledge tests, work researching, health exams, final interview and according with the 8 steps mentioned before you have to decide between hire him or let him go.
– Analyzing the curriculum vitae: It is when you check the information of each person attempting to the vacant place. Here you must choose those curriculums which contain the necessary information according with the job.
– Previous interview: It is when you detect the possible candidates, recognizing their physical characteristics, their expression skills, their self-sufficiency, their education and personality. Here you talk to the candidates about the schedule and the salary, so the people according with those conditions can continue with the process and the rest can leave the place.
– The choosing interview: It has as a finality, finding the knowledge and the skills of the candidates, so like their experience and previous works references, this interview has three phases: rapport, top and close. The first phase establishes a relaxed and attractive environment. Here you can talk about any common topic, not related with the job, in the second phase start the questions about knowledge, hobbies, projects and candidate’s work experience and the third one has to put an end to the interview.
– The psychological tests: They allow us to evaluate the candidate’s personality and if it is the right choice for the company.
– The knowledge tests: Generally, these are developed by the boss of the job; those tests challenge your skills, capacities, and attitude. So the boss can know if you are the right one or not. These tests include topics like general culture, professional culture and languages.
– The work researching: It is when you check on the references, it generally includes some personal references, academic references and previous jobs.
– The health exams: It determinates if you are in condition to occupy the vacant place on the company, if the candidate is not a healthy person, that means he or she will be absent in many occasion, losing productivity, a low performance and high expenses.
– The final interview: It is when you and the candidate for the vacant place a final interview; here you will inform to the candidate about the activities needed by the company. Finally you will ask him a number of documents and extra information about him.

Image: renjith krishnan /

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