Last modified 01/19/2024

God Phrases for Facebook, God phrases for my status on Facebook, Cute God phrases Facebook, Free God Phrases for FacebookFree God Phrases for Facebook:

God is everywhere. He loves us as his children because we are his best creation. This world is too perfect for us to believe it was created on its own.
God created this world. He created us to live in this world happily and peacefully. Believing in God means believing in salvation, hoping that someday we will all live as one big family.

To communicate with God we only need to pray and open up our heart to him. Today with social networks like Facebook we can make people come closer to God.

Do you want to know how? It is very easy. Post these God phrases on your friends’ Facebook walls. Send them and make more people know God and what he wants for us in this world.

Free God Phrases for my status on Facebook:

:: “He is with us everywhere we go and his love takes care of us every day. Believe in God and you will be peaceful at heart”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “God is the best friend there is because he is with us through thick and thin, and his love soothes the pain and suffering in our souls”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “The world may judge and criticize you, but God is the only one who will always understand you”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “If you take God into your life, everything will go well. He is salvation and he wants you to believe in him”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “If you cannot be peaceful, get closer to God. He will make you feel well about yourself”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “Do not think about God when you are in trouble. Do so every day and he will bless you”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “Nothing is impossible for God. Ask him for help and he will give you a hand”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “When you think you cannot go on, entrust yourself to God and you will be able to move forward”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “If you did not behave well in this world, be sorry at heart and God will give you a new chance”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “I thank God every day for taking care of me and my family and because we always have food on our table”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “God loves us all the same, regardless of race, country or social status. We are all his children”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “It is never too late to accept God as our savior”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “There may be thousands of religions, but there will always be just one God, who created this world and us, and wants us all to be like a family”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “God loves you and wants the best for you. He put you in this world with a mission: makes those around you happy”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

:: “If you believe in God, then your spirit is peaceful. Take him as your Father and your life will be full with happiness”.
Category :God Phrases for Facebook

We hope these God phrases for Facebook help you give some peace to your friends’ lives.

Image: Salvatore Vuono /

God Phrases for Facebook, God phrases for my status on Facebook, Cute God phrases Facebook, Free God Phrases for Facebook

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