Last modified 10/09/2023

phrases for twitter,quotes for twitter,sayings for twitterTop quotes for Twitter :

Twitter came along and changed our lives. This social network contacts almost all Internet users in the world. As Twitter users, we can find out about what is going on with our friends. We can also look for people or topics that interest us and comment something.

Messages we send to our friends’ Twitter are called tweets, and if we want to share an interesting link or content from other users with our followers, it is called retweeting. On Twitter, we will always keep up with news, and the best of all is that we can use it anywhere because it is available in mobiles.

Many people sign up to Twitter and wonder what to do next, what to write on their first tweet. Do not worry; we give you a list of phrases for Twitter. We are sure they will help you get used to and make friends in this social network.

Free download of the best phrases for Twitter :

:: “To enjoy life, a positive attitude is enough. Be optimistic, everything is possible”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “I am fortunate to be here. Thank you all for making me feel at home”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “I enjoy life to the fullest. Nothing will make me step back”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “To all my friends I say, let us unite and make this country a better place every day”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “Everyone does their bit to build the future. You effort is valuable and necessary”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “It does not matter where I am or where you are. It matters to know we are well”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “To feel alive, we must work every day until we achieve our objectives”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “I listen to music and read your tweets. Thank you for following me. I love you all very much”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “Better than a glass of water in the desert, is knowing we can reach heaven”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “Life every day as if it was the last, and you will not regret it when time goes by”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “You all have given me a reason to remain in Twitter: your friendship”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “If a genie granted me a wish, I would ask for all my friends to never change. They all are important to me”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “From now on, I will try to change. If you really love me, tweet me and be sincere”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “Rushing sometimes makes us fail in simple things. Calm down, relax and you will see everything will come out right”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “One more day in this world is an opportunity to be better and amend our mistakes”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “I think about tomorrow and remember yesterday. Today I will just enjoy the moment”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “A few words of encouragement can change the way people see things”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “If I could fly, I would fly to the highest to see you all at the same time”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

:: “Give your friend and your foe a hand. Show them that people are worth because of their good actions”.
Category :Phrases for Twitter

We hope you liked these Twitter phrases. Start now and write one of them, and you will see your friends forward them to their contacts.

Send your originals quotes ,phrases ,messages for twitter, and will be published , others friends , will thank you .

Image: dan /

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