Last modified 01/16/2024

Greetings for wedding anniversary,anniversary marriage message to daughterFree greetings or messages for Wedding Anniversary :

Wedding anniversaries signify the celebration of a marriage date that made two people of different sexes gather, in order to live a life together, forming a family and fathering children.

Wedding anniversaries have been associated with materials that have been assigned depending on its hardness, the first year of marriage is known as “paper marriage”, the fifth year of wood such as weddings and the 50th anniversary as “golden wedding”.

The duration of marriages are celebrated as time progresses, each year being represented with a certain material that by its value, its brightness and hardness symbolize the marriage union. The dates of celebration are always the same where the wedding took place.

The first wedding anniversary is celebrated for the first year “paper wedding”. Traditionally every five year to celebrate the wedding anniversary, the first five “wood wedding”; second five or 10 years’ Aluminum wedding; third five-year or 15 years “crystal wedding”; fourth five or 20 years “china wedding, “fifth five or 25 years” silver anniversary “and then the five most celebrated is that of 50 years or golden anniversary”.

Therefore we can convey messages by Wedding Anniversary are:

From the husband to his wife

Today we have the honor to be able to celebrate another anniversary of our wedding, they are 25, I always say when you reach that date and today I just want to say “I love you as the first day”. Your beloved and loving husband, always and forever.

When we were young, many women came to my willingness to everyone, but just thinking that a future together could disappear for a “night of pleasure” was to resist the temptation and today after 50 years of marriage I look back and think of many things I missed or not done, but I think it was the most important thing that kept my marriage that we now feel that it was not lived in vain, it turned not strange that the love I feel for you is unique. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY LOVE!

When we fulfill the fifth year of marriage but I doubt if you really loved, because he could not write love poems that I wrote when we were in love or fix you songs to sing and I could never find the answer until we meet again 10 years married and suddenly I knew that I had never stopped loving you, just let love be romantic to become realities, filled with joys and sorrows, successes and frustrations, the poem became mutual respect, that the song was transformed into common objectives, in summary always love you and today to serve 30 years of marriage there is no doubt in my, thank you for your youth, thanks for your love. HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY!

From the wife to her husband

How many times I thought if the right to marry, so many negative voices around me, you were not man for me, but yet my heart told me that if you were the right man to be my husband and today at age 50 married and lost our youth and maturity and old age in full, alone at home again as I see that I’m wrong I LOVE YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

A wedding anniversary but we meet today and we have in common, our children today professionals, the coexistence of mutual respect and the love that we felt like at first, HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY.

Remember my love when we first met, about 60 years ago, remember how young and different between each other we were, remember when all the problems we faced together in our marriage and when we reached another year of being together that we felt happy and always said it was because of the love we felt for each other. And we completed any word that occurred to us today I tell you again that I love you, and that my LOVE IS FOREVER. HAPPY 60° YEAR WEDDING ANNIVERSARY MY LOVE!

From a Father to his Daughter and her husband

I still remember yesterday when you were a child, I carried you in my arms and then when you were a little girl you hugged and kissed me and told me to never marry you for joining me, I see with satisfaction that you are now celebrating 10 years of marriage and that you have managed to raised three wonderful children and a husband who loves you and respects you, what else can a parent ask for his daughter. HAPPY WEDDING ANNIVERSARY 10 and let there be many more my dear.

In short, celebrating an anniversary of the date of marriage today known as the wedding anniversary means to celebrate the long life of the union of two persons of different sex in search of a common goal the family and that according to modern times few are those that manage to hold more than 15 years of living together.

Image: jscreationzs /

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