Last modified 10/09/2023

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Kissing can be many, of many ways and under many circumstances. There are kisses that do not wait, fast kisses, prohibited ones, hidden ones, sudden ones, passionate ones, the newlywed’s ones, the one for an anniversary or from happiness.
Undoubtedly, passionate kisses are those that come closer to our hearts and stir our emotions. Those for which our breathing becomes slow, time passes quicker and the universe becomes ours. Those unique kisses that rock our world.
If we want to be experts in passionate kissing we must have more than just practice, a feeling must be born from the bottom of our hearts, a superb desire of wanting to do it and of enjoying every second.
For this occasion, we present a list of examples of texts that reflect what you feel when giving a passionate kiss to that special person that steals your heart. If you want to share with your friends what you think of the topic, here you can feel inspire. You can use any media or social network to share with everyone the phrase that you relate the most with.
Free examples of texts about kisses:
:: “A good kiss always leaves the desire to continue kissing, is like setting a fire but within the mind and heart of another person. We could never get tired of a kiss that passes on what we really feel”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “With your kisses you tell me everything that you feel without using a single word; I like it when you give them to me because they express everything you are, what I like the most”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “When it is the first kiss is inevitably to feel a stream that runs through our body and when this kiss is well given, it generates new sensations and emotions to which we end up being addicted”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “If we do not feel the kiss from the inside, then it was not a kiss. Better a wanted kiss than a cold one”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “What happens inside of us when we give a good kiss is immediately feeling the physical response of those who are kissing us back. It makes us crazy, makes us feel that we are alone in a world for the two of us”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “An unexpected kiss is better than a planned one. When spontaneity is a better suit for a moment, it is best to use it to our advantage. A good kiss is born of an unplanned act, only felt”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “We may have received lots of kisses in our lives, but we know exactly which one marked us, even though we do not want to remember it. There will always be a good kiss to remember”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “Never give away a kiss that you do not feel, always be passionate for everything you do, even when you kiss, you will see there is a difference, and you will not want to stop doing it”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “When you feel you kiss reluctantly, better refrain from doing so. There is nothing more damaging than give a kiss that you do not want to. Keep that illusion and that desire and you will see how well you do”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “I do not expect a better time in the day than to be with you and get one of those kisses that drive me crazy, that remind me why I am still alive and happy next to you. I hope you never decide to stop giving them to me, because I would die shortly after”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “I have kissed many lips, but yours are the ones that I have liked the most, and not only for their beautiful form, but for the way in which you speak without words and tell me so many good things without even mentioning one letter”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “When you feel that you could not give more, think and remember how good it feels to receive a passionate kiss from the person you love the most in this world. I am sure it will raise any bad mood you are carrying”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “Let us not waste any more time, let us kiss regardless of the time or place, I only live to dream of those moments that I enjoy so much. Being by your side with your lips against mine and feeling your passion; that is a moment I would not trade for anything in the world”.
Category: texts about kisses
:: “If I had it my way, I would be kissing those irresistible lips all day, but I can tell you that in the hours that we are not together, I dream about making you happy by always giving you a better kiss than yesterday’s. I like you a lot, and I want you to always keep that in mind trough my kisses”.
Category: texts about kisses
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