Last modified 01/26/2024

Temporal jobs: How to apply & requirements,Usa temporal workers :

dolar1Every immigrant who arrives to the United States, whichever the working visa he or she has might be, can only apply to temporal works of different durations and a variety of requirements.

H – 1B Visa, H – 2B Visa, H – 2A Visa, H – 3 Visa, L – 1 Visa, P – 1 Visa, Q – 1 Visa, R – 1 Visa, Temporal Jobs, Permanent Residents.

Every immigrant, in order to Access to temporal jobs, must have applied to a H – 1B Visa for Temporal Professional Workers, a H – 2B Visa for Temporal Non – Professional Workers or to the J – 1 Visa for Educational and Cultural Exchange. The documents that have to be presented in order to apply to any of these visas are: a valid passport, a photograph, and the corresponding formats.

Those immigrants who access to the H – 1B Visa for Temporal Professional Workers, the requirements that they must have include: a professional degree and working experience in job positions. In some cases, ever master’s degrees and / or PhD’s are requested. But before performing all this process, the immigrant must find a sponsor company who offers him or her a job position in the United States of America, and who is able of presenting a temporal worker petition in the corresponding format before the Employment Department, and once it has been approved, they have to sent it to the sponsored worker, who, with this approval document, must present in the date he or she is requested to by consular employees, and prove that once the job he or she was hired for ends, he or she will return to his or her country of origin.

In the case of those who have the H – 2B Visa for Temporal Non – Professional Workers, they are allowed to work in any activity, except for the agricultural one, which applies for only one season. Here, before the application, the American company must show, with documentation, that before their public requirement, there was no American citizen who wishes or is interested to develop this labor, because the conditions of the job position do not satisfy their employment expectations. Likewise, the employee must prove that he or she will return to his or her country of origin as soon as the specific job finishes.

There is a visa intended for immigrant agriculture workers, which is the H – 2A Visa for Temporal Agriculture Workers, and those companies who want to sponsor immigrants have the duty of performing actions, even outside from their state, to be able to hire American citizens and when they cannot do it anymore, they are able of sponsoring immigrant workers. It is a recommended bias for great agricultural harvests. The sponsors cannot hire illegal workers.

There is another type of temporal job, known as training programs and those who have the H – 3 Visa for Training of Temporal Workers, apply for it. It is usually used by American companies that are in the immigrant’s origin country and that have their headquarters in the United States, to capacitate future workers. The company must show that it has the program and that it is not implementing in the country of the immigrant, who, at the same time, must show that he or she has skills related to the offered job position.

There is another type of job, linked to other types of visas, such as the L – 1 Visa for Intercompany Executives, which is usually used by intercompany companies to translate their executives (with a minimum experience of 3 years) to new positions inside the United States of America. There are also temporal jobs which are highly specialized in branches such as entertaining and religion, to which access is possible through the P – 2 Visa for Artists, the Q – 1 Visa for Cultural Exchange Temporal Visitors and the R – 1 Visa for Religious.

Summing up, temporal jobs in the United States of America are intended to immigrants in the measure the employer has exhausted every possibility he or she might have of hiring American citizens or permanent residents.

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