Last modified 10/09/2023

Requirements to obtain permissions for students in Australia:

australia3The Australian Government, through the Australian Migratory Program, gives away student visas for immigrants who have been previously admitted by renamed educative institutions in CRISCOS and who have gathered the requirements of good health and financial capacity.

Those immigrants who wish to course their studies in Australia, must reunite not only a series of requirements which will allow them obtaining permissions for students and / or student visas, but also fulfill certain demanded conditions that the Australian Government requests to every overseas citizen who, through the Australian Government, received his or her student visa, once he or she has entered into the Australian territory.

For those who thing that these demanded conditions are very tough to fulfill, we tell them that the only thing the Australian Government demands from the student, is for him or her to attend to classes and have a good academic performance. In the student visas, the type of conditions that must be fulfilled is indicated, and if they were not fulfilled, the cancelation of the visa is immediate.

We recommend that, when a student want to take some courses in Australia, he or she must get acquainted in which courses and educative institutions are the adequate ones to take those courses, and, in order to do that, he or she must consult the following web site:, which corresponds to the organism known as the Commonwealth Register of Institution and Courses for Overseas Students, also known as the CRICOS, because, if he or she picks up an institution or course that has not been acknowledged by this public organism of the Australian Government, the processing of the visa will be rejected.

The main requirement to access to a student visa, is having requested to be admitted in education offices that are recognized by the Australian Government and, when these educative institutions confirm that the immigrant has been accepted, they must emit an Acceptation Letter, which will be enclosed in the file of the visa process that will be presented in the embassies or consular offices of Australia.

The other requirements, and not for that less important, are that the immigrant must, academically speaking, gather the conditions to access to that educative level and, besides from that, he or she must be able to demonstrate through documents that he or she has the financial capacity to be able to study without the necessity of working, meaning that he or she can prove that he or she can afford his or her feeding and accommodations, for that his or her bank reports will be presented, as well as his or her property titles and payment checks.

The evaluation process for the immigrants who are requesting a student visa allows been sponsored by other people that they have familiar bonds with, through letters of financial commitment towards paying the studies of the immigrant involved.

Besides, the immigrant must prove that he or she has good health and that his or her presence will not mean any cost for the Australian health system, acquiring a private health insurance through the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC).

Summing up, to be able to obtain the student visa given by the Australian Government, the immigrant must be able to fulfill a series of requirements before obtaining it, as well as been able to fulfill the conditions to maintain it and avoiding its cancelation.

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