Last modified 10/09/2023

How to request for a job in Australia ? :

ask-job1Requesting for a job in Australia means having to present all your documents in English, been insistent, showing good disposition towards performing any kind of task, even when you are not acquainted with how to do them precisely.

Once the applicable job offer has been identified in the Australian work market, the immigrant must perform a series of actions that will allow the company, state or territory to choose him or her and decide whether to sponsor him or her in his or her visa application request or simply hire him or her if he or she already has the corresponding visa.

The first thing to do, is calling, if requested in the ad which is offering the job position, and statistics say that those who call immediately, have 95 % chances of been called for the interview, than those who leave it for the next day.

Immediately start preparing your curriculum vitae or résumé in the Australian style; it must be written in English, because no one will receive it in another language but that one. You must be really careful when writing it. Do not forget that it must be elaborated in Microsoft Word or in Word files converted into PDF files. You must be concise, do not write more than two pages; however, you must also have the original documents that stand out for the content you have exposed in your curriculum or résumé.

In the curriculum, you must talk about your work experience in the job position you are applying for, your academic formation, your age and do not forget to put your real address and your e – mail, besides from a phone number through which you can be located, if it is a mobile phone, better, because you can be reached anywhere. You must also highlight your technical abilities. Do not forget to put personal references.

Once you have your curriculum or résumé ready, you should send it according to what the employer has indicated. If it is via e – mail, send it immediately and if it is through preference mail, send it through those who offer the 24 hour delivery.

But you do not have to necessarily wait to be called to work or feel satisfied after presenting your curriculum or résumé, you have to present it everywhere, meaning that you should visit all the businesses and companies that you find on your way and if it is necessary, go back and do it again. The persistence is a virtue admired by the Australians. Do not forget making a list of the places (including telephone numbers) that you went to and deliver your curriculum or résumé to, to avoid messing up in the case you were called.

Once you receive the phone call from the company, state or territory, the immigrant must be sharp when assisting to the appointment or interview. Do not forget dressing according to the occasion. You must show a positive attitude and predisposition to respond quickly and with optimism. Push yourself away from the words “I can’t” and replace it with “I can or I will try”.

Requesting a job also requires indicating work references and if you do not have them, enclose reference letters from the employers, translated into English. Another way of indicating references is requesting your English teacher in Australia is he or she can help you out making a reference about you, almost all petitions are accepted.

The immigrant must know that in most cases, he or she will be developing more tasks that the ones implied in his or her contract, for which he or she will have to be permanently studying and the salary per hour will by the minimum wage determined by the state or territory and the payment will be per week and it will be the equivalent to the total of hours worked.

All the professions and occupations must obtain the acknowledgement license to be able to be developed legally in Australia. This license will have to be obtained each time the immigrant moves from one state or territory to another. If the immigrant does not do it in that way, he or she will have difficulties when looking for a job and if he or she finds it, the trouble will be with the unions.

Summing up, the ones with best opportunities will be those immigrants who come into Australia with the proper authorization to work, meaning that they have the non immigrant residency visa.

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