Last modified 01/25/2024

recomendation letters, recomendation models letters, recomendation samples lettersHow to redact a recommendation letter

A recommendation letter is one of the tools that you can use to attract the attention to your curriculum. This letter has as a objective offer a additional information about our qualities shown in older jobs. Qualities that will help us to get a new one. and even better.
The most important of this type of letter is the signature of who is recommending you. Usually the signature is from any ex boss who have the most importance and for that their opinion is vital to get the job in an easy way.
To make easier to get this signature is necessary to use a copy for the person who is recommending you don’t redact it by himself. Remember that the recommendation letter must stand out your virtues like your punctuality, your commitment with the job, your initiative, etc.
A recommendation letter has four parts well defined:
The identification: directed to the person in charge of the personal selection. Is recommendable to know with anticipation who is in charge about interviews. Next, the name and the charge of the person who is recommending you.
Context: in this part of the letter you must to mention the activities that you have done along your working years in the company, said of course, like if the person who is recommending you were describing it. Then, detail specific and clear the characteristics and virtues that you have, finding the coincidence with the qualities that they are looking for the job that you want.
Recommendation: in this part, you try to create a phrase that convinces to the recruiter that you are a valuable worker. Try to stand out the best of you to get a personal interview.
End: finally, a cordial and respectful farewell staying at the disposition of the recruiter to talk more about the information the he may need about you.
Free example of a recomendation letter:
November 23, 2013
Mr. Albert Laureano Andrade
Head of Human Resources of Casting S.A
Las Flores Avenue 334
Mr. Carlos Santos Córdova:
I allow me to inform you that I had the chance to work with Mr. Federico Chávez for four years while he was on charge of quality supervisor. During this time I was his boss and I was witness of his responsibility, punctuality and commitment with the job and with the company.
By the above, I don’t have any inconvenient to recommend Mr. Francia because I consider that he is an excellent worker who will not defraud you if you decide to choose him.
I am at your disposition if you wish to know more information about this document.
Carlos Santos Córdova
We hope that this model of letter has been to your help to redact a good recommendation letter. If you redact a good recommendation letter, you will be closer to get the desired job.
Image courtesy of “adamr” /

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